Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#100: The Fiend vs. Kevin Owens, WWE Smackdown (10/9/2020).

Holy shit, we did it! 100 match reviews have been achieved for this blog, and I couldn't be happier how this has turned out.

When I went about trying to find 15 essential Bray Wyatt matches for the blog, I wanted to find a wide variety of matches. I didn't want just the usual suspects - I wanted some hidden gems as well. Here, I'd say I found a diamond in the rough. It's the only singles match between Bray Wyatt and Kevin Owens, and it's the TV debut of The Fiend, as he had only previously wrestled on PPV.

Owens charges Fiend immediately with a clothesline and a Cannonball splash in the corner. Fiend is right back up and he strikes Owens in the head. Fiend with a crossbody that sends Owens to the outside.

Big clothesline from Fiend that turns Owens inside out. Back in the Ring, Fiend with more strikes to the head. Owens avoids a corner strike and goes for a superkick. Fiend fights back with an uppercut and a faceplant.

Owens boots Fiend out of the corner. Fiend with a headbutt, but Owens comes off the ropes with a clothesline. He sends Fiend to the outside. Fiend comes back with a Urinage on the announcers table, then follows with a Sister Abigail that sends Owens face first into the table.

Back from commercial, Fiend is dominating Owens in the Ring. Another Urinage plants Owens. Fiend twists Owens' neck violently, as he looks on in pure joy.

Fiend tries for Sister Abigail, but Owens escapes with a superkick that doesn't even phase Fiend. Two more, and Fiend is in the corner. Owens with the running cannonball splash twice. Fiend rolls to the outside. Owens follows him and hits a DDT to the floor.

Fiend gets on the apron, and Owens superkicks him back to the floor. Owens jumps off the apron with a frog splash to the floor onto The Fiend! He's right back up, and drags Owens to the outside.

Owens is quick to respond with two Pop Up Powerbombs onto the announcer's table - the latter of which destroys the table. Fiend is back up again, and back in the Ring. He locks the Mandible Claw on Owens, who responds with a Stunner - but Fiend still has it applied!

He hits a Urinage with the Claw applied, and gets the win.

This is a pretty decent TV main event, and it's a good novelty match to watch, as again, this was the only time these two went one on one together. Owens certainly looked better than a lot of people who had gone up against The Fiend by this point, but even he couldn't withstand the onslaught that Bray Wyatt was bringing to the table by this point.

It's not an all time classic, but I'd still say for you to go out of your way to see it, just for the novelty aspect.