Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#115: Gunther vs. Ilja Dragunov, WWE Live - Road to Bash at Berlin (8/25/2024).

This is for Gunther's World Heavyweight Championship, and it's the first singles meeting these two have had since their epic encounter at NXT TakeOver 36 in 2021.

This event took place the same day as AEW All In at Wembley Stadium. European fans were eating good on this day!

They lock up, and Gunther quickly takes control, forcing Dragunov into the turnbuckle. He goes for a chop, and Dragunov slips away. Another lock up, and a hard side headlock takedown by the champion. Gunther transitions to a half crab, while Dragunov locks in a leg lock. Gunther gets to the ropes to break it up. They go for a test of strength next, and Dragunov forces Gunther to the ropes now. Dragunov takes the back and forces Gunther to the corner. He chops him hard in the chest, and Gunther tries to retaliate with one of his own.

Dragunov blocks it, and hits another. They shoulder bump each other a few times, then Gunther just plants his boot right into Dragunov’s face. Big uppercut by Gunther, followed by another. Dragunov tries to fight back with forearms and chops, and Gunther just hits a powerslam with ease. He swings Dragunov around for a Boston Crab. Dragunov escapes, and looks to powerslam Gunther, but the champion responds with a hard suplex for a 2 count.

Dragunov begs Gunther for more, and he responds with a boot to the gut. Dragunov with a forearm and an uppercut, and Gunther slaps him back to the mat. Irish whip into the corner, and Dragunov boots his way free. He goes to slam Gunther, but he can’t hold the weight and collapses. Gunther covers, and gets a nearfall. Big chop by Gunther, and the crowd demands more. He goes to give them that, but Dragunov counters into the power slam.

Running knee by Dragunov in the corner, followed by a running boot to the face. Dragunov goes to the top rope, and misses his shot. Gunther goes to boot him, but Dragunov forearms him. Slap by Gunther, and a kick to the head by Dragunov. He explodes with a series of German Suplexes – in Germany! Gunther escapes and tries for a Rainmaker, but Dragunov blocks it. He runs off the ropes, and gets caught in a rear naked choke.

Dragunov fights his way free, and lifts Gunther up in the fireman’s carry, then drops him with the Death Valley Driver. Dragunov runs off the ropes with a lariat that gets him a close 2 count. He goes to the top rope, and hits the diving senton, but Gunther gets his knees up to block it. Gunther slams Dragunov down with a powerbomb, and makes the cover, but Dragunov kicks out! Big chop to the fallen Dragunov, followed by a hard slap to the face. Gunther runs the ropes, and Dragunov boots him in the jaw!

A running knee connects, and Dragunov goes to the top rope. Diving senton connects, and Gunther still kicks out! Dragunov waits in the corner and sets up for Torpedo Moscow, but Gunther catches him in a choke hold. Dragunov escapes, but Gunther is quick to hit him with a huge lariat. He locks in the Rear Naked Choke again, and this time, Dragunov is out. Gunther retains the World Championship.

It would be easy to say “oh, this isn’t the best these two can do,” but that’s not the point here. We all know they can do better, and this was never meant to be their best work. This was simply an appetizer for what these two will do when they have a singles match on national television, and in that respect, this match rules. It has all the things you’d expect from these two, but it’s meticulously held back. They aren’t going to give you everything just yet, but they will give you enough to remind you that when these two get unleashed, so will the gates of hell.