Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#123: Rikidozan vs. Don Leo Jonathan, JWA International Competitors of the Fall (10/2/1958).

This is a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match for Rikidozan's NWA International Heavyweight Championship.

This is not a complete review of the match, as the entire thing is nowhere on the internet (as far as I know). What's here is what was in the video I saw.

Don attacks Riki with a dropkick to start out, then starts beating the shit out of him with kicks and stomps. Riki chops him down like a tree, and Don rolls to the outside. He's quickly back inside, and he's taunting the Japanese audience.

They lock up, and Don is aggressively punching away at Riki, who responds with chops and strikes of his own. More punches and kicks from both men, as I think Riki is busted open now. Don grinds his knuckles into the open wound.

A big chop floors Don to one knee. Riki stomps his ass and sends him to the floor. Side headlock by Riki in the Ring, and a Knuckle to the head. He's got the leg trapped, and he applies a Half Crab submission.

Don is quickly back up and looks for a sleeper hold, then just hits Riki in the head like a hammer. Riki punches Don so hard that spit goes flying! Riki with a hammerlock takedown, as he tries to slow the momentum down and keep the big man grounded.

Don takes control back, but runs into a chop by Riki that gets a 2 count. A hard penalty kick follows. Don hops, literally hops, his entire body to the ropes like a frog and goes to the outside for a breather.

Riki takes control of the leg next, and Don manages to get to the ropes. Don crushes Riki with his knee across the neck. Riki with a nice takedown to Don, as he stays in side control. Both are up, and Don takes several cheapshots in the turnbuckle. He kicks Riki to the floor, and stomps on his head more.

Riki with a single leg takedown next, and he hammerlocks Don's arm. Beautiful hip toss by Riki, and a back elbow. Another kick right to the stomach. Another chop gets Riki a 2 count. Don applies a half nelson choke, followed by an elbow to the top of the head.

Powerslam by Don. He maintains control in the turnbuckle, and chops Riki on the back of the neck. Don with a chokehold next, as he holds Riki to the mat. Nice throat chops by Riki. Don is down on the mat, but slowly returns to his feet.

Don cowers in the corner as Riki unleashes hard strike after strike. Riki has the big man reeling, as he slowly follows him around the mat. Don fights back with dirty punches and kicks, and finally gets Riki to the mat.

Repeated knees to the side of the head by Don. Back to their feet, Riki corners Don with more strikes. Don with a clubbing forearm to the top of Riki's head, followed by a series of dropkicks! Riki avoids another and Don collides with the ropes. Riki covers, and that gives him the first fall.

The second fall starts, and Riki rushes the Ring to corner poor Don. They're against the ropes, and Don strikes his back repeatedly. Riki lifts Don up German Suplex style and throws him into the turnbuckle.

Chops in the corner by Riki, and Don cowers in fear again. Nice shot to the back by Riki. Don fights back with shots of hos own to the chest of Riki. Don with a powerslam to Riki, and that gets a nearfall.

Don with a diving shin attack to the face. Riki won't stay down, and continues to press forward. Don with hard forearms to Riki's head. One drops him, and he stomps on his skull, and drops his shin on it. Riki avoids one of those, but Don now keeps the pressure on with forearm shots to the spine.

More forearms to the head, but Riki won't stay down. They continue to fight back and forth, with Riki popping off a powerslam for a nearfall. Don responds with one of his own that gets a 2 count.

Don will not let up with these forearm shots to the back. He has Riki on his knees. He's a monster! Then, the match just ends with Riki as the winner. I think the 61 minute time limit - yes, 61 minute - expired, and since he had the only fall, he won by default.

It's hard to give a review of this match, since I only saw half of it, so I'll just say that what I saw was pretty good, though it did come off repetitive at times.

What I can say for certain is that of the matches I saw this week, this was my favorite individual performance of Rikidozan.

If you've never seen Don Leo Jonathan, he's a pretty big guy. Here, he looks so small because Rikidozan is an absolute menace! He practically stalks Don around the Ring for much of this.

He came off like a stone cold killer at times, ready to Pounce on Don when the chance arrived. I enjoyed a lot of that aspect of what I saw. I also think it's unique to have a 61 minute time limit on something. I guess that one extra minute can make all the difference!