Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#13: Saya Kamitani vs. Hazuki, STARDOM Triangle Derby I Finals (3/4/2023).

This is for Saya's Wonder of Stardom Championship.

One of the most critically acclaimed cards in STARDOM history - at least since I've been a fan - the inaugural Derby finals gave us the final showdown between AZM and Starlight Kid, Himeka taking on Sendai Girls ace Chihiro Hashimoto, the Derby Finals themselves, and Giulia facing old Ice Ribbon rival Maya Yukihi. But the standout match for me is this one, which is one of the most blistering and exciting matches I've ever seen.

Saya is deep into her reign with the White Belt, having held it since dethroning Tam Nakano at Dream Queendom in December of 2021. Here, she defends against Hazuki, in a match so good that I swore STARDOM were going to call an audible and give the championship to Hazuki here. Her performance here is incredible, and a true showcase for Hazuki as a future mega star.

Much of the COVID restrictions in Japan were lifted around this time, so the crowd is ready to cheer their hearts out for this one. They both start slow, but eventually it breaks down into both women exchanging dropkicks and forearms to the other's face. Hazuki with a Face Wash to Saya in the corner. She locks in the Crossface submission, and looks to keep Saya grounded.

Hazuki irish whips Saya into the corner, and she glides up the turnbuckle and comes down with a flying dropkick that sends Hazuki to the outside. Big crossbody from Saya to the outside drops Hazuki. Back in the ring, both women exchange running boots to the face. Three fisherman suplexes from Saya only gets a nearfall from Hazuki. Saya hits the Star Crusher and goes to the top rope, and Hazuki rises up like a zombie, and screams at her!

Sick headbutt and a suplex bring Saya down. Hazuki with a diving senton, which Saya kicks out of. Codebreaker from the top, followed by a brainbuster, which Saya kicks out of again. The crowd is molten at this point, and I really thought the match was over right there. They exchange forearms, with Hazuki getting the upper hand with sick repeated forearms.

Hazuki counters out of the Star Crusher with a hurricanrana pin combo, which gets the closest nearfall all match. Saya with a spinning Star Crusher, and a 450 splash, and Hazuki kicks out of both! In the middle of the ring, Saya hits the Star Crusher two straight times, and finally gets the win.

This is a super fun match, with exciting offense all match long, and some legitimately believable nearfalls towards the end. When Hazuki hits the brainbuster, that's where I thought the audible was going to be called, because the crowd was hot for her! Saya having to do all she did to actually win puts Hazuki over as a tough bastard, and it also makes Saya look like a resilent champion. Their chemistry on this night was unmatched. Run it back!