Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#23: Hana Kimura vs. Riho vs. Hazuki, STARDOM Goddess of Stars (11/23/2019).

Riho had just won the inaugural AEW Women's Championship a month prior, and Hazuki announced her retirement the day after this!

Hana and Hazuki double team Riho. Hazuki hits a hip toss to Riho, and Hana hits one on Hazuki, and Riho then hits one on Hana. Hana then decides to properly introduce herself to Riho and offers to work together against Hazuki. They double team her, with Riho sending Hana into her with a pump kick. Hana then fakes an irish whip and knees Riho in the gut instead.

A pump kick from Hazuki knocks Hana right on her ass. Her and Riho exchange nearfalls. Hazuki gets a face wash in, followed by a running boot. Hana kicks her out of the ring. Riho pops off a hurricanrana to Hana. A crossbody from the top rope gets a nearfall. Hana connects with a nasty boot to Riho, who then catches her in a nice guillotine choke.

Forearm exchange between the two follows, and Hazuki comes back in with a shotgun dropkick that takes both of them out. She then hits a double face wash to Hana and Riho, and she plants Riho with a kick. Hana avoided hers at the last second. Hazuki pops off a Codebreaker that gets a nearfall. She puts Hana in a crossface/bulldog choke variation.

Hazuki misses a pump kick and Hana hits her with one of her own. Another one brings Hazuki down for a 2 count. Hana gets a drop toe hold in and transitions into a surfboard submission. Riho slips in, and in a hilarious moment, weighs her options and tries to pin Hana while her shoulders are down. Never seen that before, and I want to see it more!

Hana kicks her back outside, and suplexes Hazuki. She gets the Octopus Hold in tight, and Hazuki gets to the ropes. Big shotgun dropkick to Hazuki, and Hana goes for the package piledriver, but Riho breaks it up. Double V Trigger to Hana, and now Riho and Hazuki square off. Riho hits a V Trigger, and then a Northern Lights suplex.

Riho's double stomp from the top rope is broken up by Hana. Riho gets a V Trigger on Hana, and she misses one on Hazuki, who tries to roll her up, but Riho counters into a pin of her own and that gets the win. This was a nice fun blitz. They had great chemistry on this night.