Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#24: Hana Kimura & Meiko Satomura vs. Syuri & Hikaru Shida, Sendai Girls (6/10/2017).

I was originally going to cover a singles match between Hana and Shida, but then I randomly discovered this match, and I couldn't resist. Hana is still young in her career, Meiko is a legend in Joshi, Syuri is the future Ace of Stardom, and Shida is a future star for AEW.

Meiko and Syuri start things out, and in hindsight, that just sounds awesome. Meiko punches first, and Syuri unloads with kicks. Butterfly suplexes and a Penalty Kick from Syuri next. Meiko with several kicks to the chest. Hana and Shida tag in next, and they lock up immediately. Syuri and Meiko are fighting on the apron now. Hana avoids a kick from Shida while lying on the apron.

Meiko is in and just tackles the hell out of Shida. She blocks a roundhouse kick and eats another from the Final Boss Meiko. Stiff kick to the back of Shida's head follows, but she blocks another attack and sends Meiko to the outside. Now all four ladies are throwing down at ringside. Shida connects with a backbreaker to Meiko. Syuri now goes for an armbar to Meiko.

It's crazy how this early on in her pro wrestling career, Syuri still kicks hard as fuck. Shida tags in, and steamrolls Hana off the apron. Her and Syuri double team Meiko in the corner. Syuri brings Hana into the ring, and Shida suplexes her into Meiko, who is laying across the middle rope. I love that spot! Meiko hits a dive off the middle rope to Shida. Hana tags in, and sends Syuri into Shida in the corner. Double knee to both, then a shotgun dropkick!

Shida pops off a spinning backbreaker to Hana next. Hana helps Meiko with a kick to the face. Meiko gets a sleeper hold on Shida, and Hana fights Syuri on the outside. Shida drops Meiko right on both of her knees. Syuri tags in, and kicks Meiko into the next decade. Meiko responds with some of her own, and now both are kicking each other! Syuri knocks Meiko down with one to her face. Hana hits a shotgun dropkick to Syuri.

Shida brings Hana in from the apron with a top rope suplex. Syuri puts an armbar on next. Meiko counters an Irish Whip attempt with a Pele Kick. All four women are down. I love how in Japan, you yell the name of the person you're about to attack. That trope is great. Hana slows Syuri down with a boot to the face. Death Valley Driver to Syuri and Shida by Meiko. Shotgun Dropkick by Hana to Shida, and she gets a nearfall off of that.

Hana and Meiko hit a double suplex to Syuri and Shida, who respond with a pair of double running knees to the face. Shida hits Hana with a kendo stick, and Syuri hits another running knee. She makes the cover, and Meiko breaks up the count. Double running knees to Meiko's face, and double running knees to Hana's face. Syuri unleashes a roundhouse kick to Hana's head, and that gets the win.

This is a nice little hidden gem with a really hot closing stretch. Considering that I'm more familiar with all four women present day, this just seems like a bizarro world style match. I thought that Hana showed fantastic babyface fire in this match - ironic, because she was apart of Oedo Tai at the time, which is STARDOM's top heel faction.