Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#25: Hana Kimura vs. Mayu Iwatani, STARDOM Cinderella Tournament (3/24/2020).

This would be the final match of Hana Kimura's career, as STARDOM would take a break until June due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic ruining everything in the world, and Hana's tragic suicide taking place in May.

This is an opening round match in the Cinderella Tournament. They have 10 minute time limits, and sending someone over the top rope can bring you the win.

Between her neon cape, gas mask, and great charisma, Hana had superstar written all over her. Mayu is in the midst of her acclaimed 2nd reign as the World of Stardom Champion. Hana fakes a handshake and immediately tries for the package piledriver. Mayu pops off a spinning back kick to the gut. Big forearms from Mayu, and a standing shotgun dropkick that connects perfectly with Mayu's face.

Hana goes for the Octopus Hold, and Mayu counters into a nearfall attempt. Mayu stretches Hana's arms behind her and bends her back against her knee. A nice running dropkick from Mayu, and Hana counters a hurricanrana into a powerbomb attempt to the outside. Hana tries to push Mayu to the floor, and Mayu brings her over onto the apron with her.

They each grab the middle rope and try to kick the other off. Hana with the upper hand, as she stomps Mayu's back. Hana kicks Mayu's face, and Mayu superkicks Hana back into the ring. Hana goes for a superplex, but Mayu slips out and tries for a Razor's Edge. Hana escapes that, and Mayu goes right into a guillotine choke.

Hana gives Mayu a nasty looking pump kick, followed by an axe kick to the back of the head that gets a nearfall. Hana gets the Octopus Hold in, and she then transitions into a half crab where the arm is locked. Mayu gets a nice kick to the face. She pops off a delayed German Suplex for a 2 count. Mayu hits the Frog Splash from the top that also gets a nearfall.

Hana and Mayu are on the top rope now. Hana tries for the Octopus Hold again, while on top. Both women then suddenly fall to the floor from the top, and that's it. The match is a draw, as both women went over the top rope. Both are eliminated from the tournament. This was a fun match, even at just under 8 minutes.

My biggest takeaway from this is that I want more Hana Kimura. Her passing is a major tragedy in the world of wrestling. I think Hana would've loved getting more exposure here in the States. And us American fans? We'd love the hell out of Hana. Her passing is a reminder that cyber bullying is absolute bullshit, and shouldn't be a thing. Be kinder to others, and don't be a dick.

As Hana says, "everybody's different, and everybody's special."