Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#32: Terry Funk, Dory Funk Jr. & Tiger Mask II vs. Billy Robinson, Chavo Guerrero Sr. & Terry Gordy, AJPW World Champion Carnival (10/21/1985).

The names alone made me want to check this out. On one side, you have the legendary British Catch wrestler Billy Robinson, you have future WWE Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Classic, and you have "Bam Bam" Terry Gordy from the Fabulous Freebirds. On the other side, you have Terry Funk, his older brother Dory, and the second Tiger Mask, who would go on to be one of the Four Pillars of All Japan as himself: Mitsuharu Misawa.

Dory and Gordy start out. They lock up and they bump each other with shoulder tackles. Neither budges. They do it again, and Gordy dropkicks Dory down. Side headlock takedown by Dory. Gordy fights back with a middle rope crossbody. Billy tags in and he immediately trash talks Terry.

They lock up. Side headlock, and Billy goes over to slap Terry right in the face. Billy wants Terry to tag in, but Dory maintains his lead. Another lock up, and Dory hammerlocks the arm and Billy trips him to escape. Roll up attempt for 2. Billy lifts Dory for a back suplex. Then drops him on his knee back first.

Chavo tags in. He goes for a hip toss and Dory catches him in a abdominal stretch. Terry is in and he goes for a stretch as well. Billy comes in and kicks Terry's back. Tiger Mask comes in. He and Chavo lock up. Chavo takes the side headlock. Tiger Mask sends Chavo to the corner, and he walks up the turnbuckles and jumps over Tiger Mask. Back body drop, then a dropkick. Then, a hip toss by Tiger Mask. Standing crossbody for 2.

Chavo with a Northern Lights throw. Gordy is in. He body drops Tiger Mask, who lands on his feet and dropkicks him. Dory tags in. He and Terry club Gordy. Hard uppercuts from Dory. Terry is back in, and so is Billy. They are fired up! Terry tries to jab, and Billy avoids. He strikes Terry hard. Neckbreaker by Billy.

Alternating tags between Chavo and Gordy, as they tear Funk apart with strikes. Big left hand by Terry and a powerslam to Gordy. Tiger Mask splashes Gordy for 2. Hard uppercuts from Billy. A back elbow sends Billy to the outside. A crossbody to the outside. Looks suspiciously like Misawa, doesn't it?

Funk's team wins by countout? Didn't even notice that someone got counted out. Oh well. A brief match. But a fun one, simply for who is involved.