Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#33: Terry Funk vs. Eddie Guerrero, NWA World Championship Wrestling (5/9/1989).

When I was researching and looking for Terry Funk matches to do for the blog, I randomly discovered that this match happened! Funk, following his 1989 comeback that would lead to two fantastic matches with Ric Flair, took on a young upstart in Eddie Guerrero in their one and only singles match.

Funk pushes Eddie out of a hard lock up to start things out. He pushes Eddie into the ropes. Eddie avoids a chop and rolls away. Funk looks bewildered by this. Eddie pops off an Enziguri, and Funk goes to the outside. Funk comes back inside, and forces Eddie into the corner and chops him. Eddie goes to the top and jumps over Funk. Funk catches him, and Funk drops his left fist on Eddie's head.

Eddie avoids a Funk leg drop in the ropes. Flying headscissors, then Funk evades the next. Funk lifts Eddie up for a powerslam, then dumps him over the top rope. Which doesn't cause a DQ. Funk chops on the outside, and Eddie avoids one, causing Funk to chop the steel ring post. Eddie goes to the top and dives onto Funk on the outside. Eddie goes back in the Ring, dives outside and Funk avoids it. Funk returns to the ring, then connects with a baseball slide.

Funk with a piledriver on the floor. He brings Eddie back into the ring, then drops a knee on the head, and that gets the win. Not a bad showing for a young Eddie. Considering that Funk was gearing up for Ric Flair at this time, he could've easily squashed Eddie with no doubt. But here, he gave Eddie a little offense, and in that brief time, Eddie impressed. No surprise then that Eddie went on to have a legendary career of his own.