Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#34: Terry Funk vs. Mick Foley, WWE Raw is War (5/4/1998).

This is a Falls Count Anywhere Match, with Pat Patterson as the Special Referee.

This took place during Foley's feud with WWE Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin. Vince McMahon wanted Foley to prove that he deserved another title shot, and Foley was willing to do anything to get another chance - including fighting his best friend and mentor Terry Funk.

He was wrestling as Dude Love at the time, but this is the first time that Foley wrestles under his real name in WWE. He comes out to no music. Austin joins commentary, and he naturally has a bin of cold beer with him.

They lock up. Funk jabs Foley, and he sends him to the outside. Foley with a back rake. Funk hits Foley several times in the head with a chair. Foley smashes Funk face first into the steps, then doinks him in the head with a chair. Funk hits Foley face first off the announcers table. Swinging Neckbreaker in the Ring to Funk, and Foley does it again on the outside.

Foley pulls the mat up to expose the concrete. Austin's headset doesn't work so he attacks Lawler. That's my favorite thing ever. Funk sends Foley head first into the steps, and then follows with a chair shot to the side. Foley goes for a piledriver, and Funk backdrops him to the exposed concrete.

Funk sends Foley over the barricade. They fight into the crowd. Foley smashes Funk head first into a wall. Foley is beating the hell out of the hot dog guy. Funk with a soda bin to Foley's face. This is fucking chaotic. Funk climbs into the rafters, and he hit a moonsault onto Foley, and the hot dog guy!

Foley is up first, and it appears Funk might have a stinger. Foley clears a nearby table off. Foley brings Funk on top of it, and he hits a piledriver through the damn thing. They crawl under the bleachers and continue to fight. They go to commercial and Austin is pissed about it. His commentary in this is hilarious.

-During the commercial break, they fight backstage. Foley throws a trashcan at Funk. They make their way back to the stage. DDT on the ramp by Foley, and Funk kicks out. Austin is just drinking a ton of beer while calling this match. A stomp to the head in the ring by Foley. Cactus Clothesline sends both to the outside.

Foley tears the announcer's table apart. He lays Funk on top of it. He grabs a chair and runs off the apron, driving the chair into Funk's chest. "Chyna is Cartman's Dad." Foley brings Funk into the ring, and hits a Double Arm DDT, and Funk kicks out. Jim Ross apparently doesn't know what hardcore means.

Foley with a piledriver in the middle of the ring, and he hits another onto a chair. And that's it, as Foley gets the win. The crowd was surprisingly dead for a lot of this, but that was a wild brawl. Austin was great. And Funk's selling was incredible.

I just don't think the crowd cared for Funk, which is a shame, because he was great here. Foley did a good job playing a heartless heel who had to destroy his friend. This doesn't reach the levels of their King of the Death Match Finals, but it's still a fun time.