Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#37: Giulia vs. Syuri, STARDOM Osaka Dream Cinderella (12/20/2020).

This is a Double Title Match for Giulia's Wonder of Stardom Championship, and Syuri's SWA Undisputed Women's World Championship.

Nothing like a battle between friends, am I right? Giulia's faction, Donna del Mondo formed in January of 2020, and Syuri has been apart of it since the beginning up to this point. Syuri recently won the SWA Title, and offered to put it up for grabs, if Giulia was willing to put her White Belt on the line as well.

They lock up to start out, and Syuri gets Giulia in the ropes. Syuri pops off a double leg takedown into an armbar attempt, and Giulia escapes. They scramble on the ground, and Giulia gets a side headlock takedown. Giulia avoids a roundhouse kick. They exchange control of the back, and Giulia takes her down, and wraps her leg around Syuri. Kimura lock attempt from Giulia and she uses her legs for leverage. Syuri takes the guard position. There's a clean break, as both are back to their feet.

Single leg takedown from Syuri, and a side headlock of her own. Shoulder tackle to Giulia and both women square up. Kicks to the thigh from Syuri and a forearm from Giulia. Arm drag from Giulia and a Shotgun Dropkick to the face. She boots Syuri to the apron. On the floor, Giulia stomps her back. She grabs a fan's chair and sits Syuri on it. She hits a running boot that sends Syuri backwards. Giulia sits in the chair next and eggs Syuri on, who responds by booting the shit out of her.

Syuri slams her face off a ringside table. A diving knee or shin from the apron follows. Back in the Ring, Syuri gives a hard kick to Giulia's spine. Knee to the midsection in the corner and a running knee to a downed Giulia. Half crab submission from Syuri next. Front Facelock suplex follows and gets Syuri a 2 count.

Giulia fights back with clubbing forearms. Syuri screams at her with every shot. Hammerlock DDT from Giulia. Hard kick to Giulia's chest. Nice back and forth exchange. Giulia with a running boot to the face and Syuri with knees to the ribs. Giulia connects with a neckbreaker. Syuri gets caught in the middle rope with a neckbreaker. Missile dropkick from Giulia, and an STF follows. Syuri hits a backstabber out of nowhere, followed by a stiff kick to the spine.

Michinoku Driver gets 2 for Giulia. Syuri with a German Suplex, and Giulia with one right after. Syuri hits a V Trigger of sorts next. Syuri with a forearm on her knees. She screams, and Giulia returns the favor. Forearm/scream exchange follows. Giulia laughs off some of these shots. Syuri does the same. They hold each other's left forearm as they continue to forearm. Giulia eventually gets the advantage with very hard shots. Followed by petty kicks to the head and side.

Syuri with a stiff kick right to the face. Several kicks to the midsection, followed by a roundhouse to the face of Giulia. More kicks to Giulia's chest. -Giulia gets a head scissors in and an armbar at the same time. They fight up to the ramp and Syuri sends her knees into the chest. Giulia with a Glorious Driver on the ramp. They make the long crawl back to the Ring. Giulia tosses Natsupoi into Syuri and gets in the Ring first. Syuri barely gets in.

Running knee by Giulia. On the top rope, Giulia connects with a hammerlock side slam to the mat, and Syuri kicks out! Giulia with a nasty submission. She has Syuri's arms trapped in a leg scissors and pulls at the neck. Syuri gets to the ropes. Double arm Suplex gets 2 for Giulia. Package Piledriver from Giulia, and Syuri landed right on her fucking neck. She somehow kicked out. Judo throw from Syuri and a kick to the back. Sharpshooter next.

Running knee to the back of Giulia in the corner, and an STO and Syuri gets a nearfall. German Suplex from Syuri, and Giulia kicks out at 1! Running boot from Giulia and Syuri kicks out at 1! Pump handle back suplex from Giulia. Glorious Driver connects, and Syuri kicks out! Roundhouse Kick drops Giulia. And another on the mat. Syuri makes the cover, and Giulia gets her hand on the ropes.

Nasty headbutt from Giulia, followed by a Spinning back fist from Syuri. Both are down, as the time limit expires. It's a 30 Minute Time Limit Draw, which means that both ladies retain their championships.

That was a phenomenal match. It doesn't quite live up to the match they would have at Dream Queendom in December of 2022 - that match is the best womens singles match ever IMO - but it's still awesome on its own. Just as they would do in the following years of the pandemic, STARDOM managed to put out a quality match in front of a silent crowd.

My only complaint about this is that somewhere in the final 10 minutes, this does feel like it's dragging, and they're forcing it to be more epic, or forcing it to go to the time limit. That said, in the closing moments of those last 10 minutes, the match had a hot finishing stretch. If you're a wrestling fan, then there is no reason why you wouldn't enjoy this!