Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#42: Big Van Vader vs. Ron Simmons, WCW Main Event (8/16/1992).

This is for Vader's WCW Championship.

Sting was originally set to challenge Vader for the title, but an injury prevented him from participating. Some names were thrown in a hat, and out comes the name of Ron Simmons, who's getting a huge opportunity against one of wrestling's all time greatest monsters.

Vader is talking trash early, and Simmons is ready to go. They lock up and neither man gets the advantage. These are two beefy boys. Big right hand by Vader. Simmons explodes with strikes, and Vader gets him in the corner with harder strikes. More punches by Simmons. Vader is down in the corner. The crowd is going nuts at this! When Vader goes down, their heads collectively blow.

Big clothesline knocks Vader down, and a back suplex follows. Vader rolls to the outside, and Simmons is hyped. I forgot that Harley Race managed Vader around this time. Probably a good sign that one of the best in the business is your advisor. Vader with a strike to the gut. Simmons lifts Vader for a nice spinebuster that JR calls a sidewalk slam. Vader kicks away a running Simmons from the corner.

Vader forces Simmons into the corner and he unloads with forearms and body shots to the challenger. Big splash in the corner, followed by a big clothesline from Vader. Vader Splash to Simmons, who kicks out. Another right hand from Vader. Big Suplex follows. Vader connects with a chokeslam. He goes to the top, and hits a middle rope splash. Simmons somehow kicks out, with power and force!

Another big clothesline from the champion. Vader tries for a Suplex, and Simmons counters with one of his own. Vader is up and he clubs Simmons down to his knees. Vader tries for a short clothesline and Simmons counters into a back slide for a close 2 count. Nasty hand to Simmons' face. More strikes in the corner. Simmons avoids a corner splash and gets another nearfall off with a rollup.

Sunset flip by Simmons, and Vader just drops all his weight right on him. Vader tries for a powerbomb, and Simmons escapes and hits a beautiful scoop slam, and he gets the win! Simmons gets a nuclear pop for that win. With this win, Simmons became the first African American to win the WCW Championship. It was treated at the time, and is still treated to this day, as a major deal.

The match was on the short side, but like two great pros of their craft, their maximized their minutes with a nice beefy battle. The strikes were fun, and the slams were hard. These two had great chemistry, and it's crazy how this was their one and only singles meeting. I think a whole series at this time, with more minutes on the clock, would've been legendary. Alas, at least we have this sprint of a battle.