Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#43: Becky Lynch vs. Bianca Belair, WWE WrestleMania 38, Night 1 (4/2/2022).

This is for Becky's Raw Women's Championship.

At SummerSlam in August of 2021, Becky returned from her time off from pregnancy as a surprise opponent for Bianca, and beat her in 26 seconds. This was the beginning of her heel turn. As someone who wasn't watching WWE actively at the time of this feud, I always thought it was wild that Becky seemed to be trying to outdo her husband, Seth Rollins, in terms of silly outfits they would wear to the ring.

Alas, Bianca has fought her way back to this title match, where she hopes to not only gain revenge on Becky for stealing her thunder, but also steal the spotlight during the first WrestleMania with a true and proper attendance since 2019.

The crowd is hot for this already. I do not miss Kevin Dunn on camera work. The staredown at the beginning of this match had, I think, 10 fucking camera cuts. Becky tries the Manhandle Slam right away, and Bianca tries for the KOD. The Manhandle Slam connects, and Bianca kicks out. Becky goes for the Disarmher, and then she tries multiple pin attempts. She is desperate to end this as quick as possible.

Bianca with a cradle pin, and Becky goes for one of her own. Suplex by Bianca. She rolls into another, and Becky counters and tries another pin attempt. Becky misses a moonsault from the top. Bianca locks in a Disarmher of her own. Becky rolls into a cradle pin. Bianca escapes and kicks Becky in the gut. More nearfalls exchanged between the two. This match is wrestled at a frantic pace.

Bianca throws Becky to the outside, and Becky uses Bianca's long hair to bring her outside. She tosses Bianca into the steel steps, and the impact was nasty. Two Exploder Suplexes back in the ring only get 2. Becky throws Bianca throat first into the ropes. Bianca goes to dive into the Ring, and Becky kicks her in the face. Draping over the rope, Becky hits a leg drop from the top to get 2.

Becky puts on an aggressive Chin Lock next. Becky with a double arm Suplex, and she goes right into an armbar. Very nice transition from that into a triangle choke next. Bianca is able to lift Becky up and throws both of them over the top rope to the outside. Becky throws Bianca into the ropes, but she bounces back and goes right into a nasty Suplex to the floor.

Becky kicks Bianca out of the corner, and she fires back with a gut buster across the knee that gets a nearfall. Bianca tries for a pop up powerbomb, and Becky counters into a roll up. Bianca hits a Glam Slam, and a springboard moonsault for 2. Bianca goes to the top rope, and Becky meets her up there. Bianca lifts Becky up and drops her chest first into the top turnbuckle.

Second rope 450 splash from Bianca and it only gets a 2 count. Becky kicks Bianca in the chest and face from the apron. She goes to the top and does a 450 turn into a double kick to the face. Manhandle Slam is countered. Becky runs into her with an elbow. Huge spinebuster from Bianca. Her moonsault is countered by a pair of knees.

Glam Slam is countered into a rollup. Becky sends Bianca face first into the turnbuckle. Bianca tries for KOD, and Becky grips the ropes. Bianca just tosses her to the outside. Bianca brings her in, and Becky rolls out. Very smart strategy from Big Time Becks. Becky pulls the hair again to send Bianca face first into the Ring post. Manhandle Slam follows right onto the Steel Steps. Bianca breaks the count and kicks out of a roll up. Bianca uses the turnbuckle to flip out of a Manhandle Slam. She hits the KOD, and wins the Raw Women's Title.

Getting dropped into time frames like this with no context is interesting for me, especially when it involves a promotion that I go out of my way to avoid unless given a reason to. I certainly didn't give a shit about WWE in 2022. But here, with no context, I can say that I really enjoyed this. It was frantic at times, and then was well paced at others.

One thing that caught my eye about this was how it almost never felt like a women's match: it just felt like a wrestling match. A comparable example is the first bout between Syuri and Utami Hayashishita from STARDOM in 2021. Most people view that match as just a simple athletic competition, and not just a match featuring women.

That's what this was, and I loved it a lot. Not surprising, considering the talent involved. Becky is amazing, and I personally think Bianca is the best female wrestler in the United States today. Very fun match, I highly recommend.