Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#47: Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner & Vince Russo vs. Goldberg, Sting, Booker T & KroniK, WCW Monday Nitro (9/4/2000).

This is a Triple Cage WarGames Match for the WCW World Championship.

Ah, yes, WCW in the year 2000. I challenge anyone who knows their stuff to try and tell me with a genuine effort that AEW present day is really as bad as 2000 WCW or worse. Because if you try, you are simply full of it.

This Nitro was labeled "Russo's Revenge." Goldberg's team had to qualify to even be in this match, and if Goldberg himself qualified, he would be allowed to physically harm Russo, as a legality was preventing him from doing so. Also, earlier in this show, Nash - the WCW Champion - said that he wasn't a fighting champion, and didn't want to do this match. Great.

This is WarGames in name only. It's not a two ring, one cage set up. It's one ring, with a triple decker cage. The title is hanging above the third tier. You have to climb up the tiers, grab the title, then climb back down and walk through the door to win. The teams are here for the two minute intervals of traditional WarGames, but this is essentially every man for himself. Did I miss anything? Did I explain this fucking clusterfuck well enough?

Sting's prematch promo is probably going to be the best part of this. Even when swimming in dogshit, Sting is always able to manage something memorable. Sting and Jarrett start things out. Sting sends Jarrett into the steel. Sting brings a ladder into the Ring. Jarrett attacks Sting in the corner. Sting tosses him twice into the ladder in the corner.

Steiner is out next. He and Jarrett attack Sting with a ladder. They bring another ladder into the Ring. It's bigger, and it's red! Shoulder tackle and elbow drop by Steiner. KroniK is out next. Steiner is on the second tier of the cage. KroniK climbs the ladder to reach Steiner. The fight is on!

They double team him on this cage floor that looks flimsy as fuck. How it didn't break ala King of the Ring 1998 is beyond me. Vince Russo, decked out in hockey gear, is out next. Sting continues the attack on Jarrett, and the Nazi Brothers - sorry, Don and Ron Harris - climb the outside of the cage to the second tier to beat up Kronik with trash cans and kendo sticks.

Sting puts the Scorpion Deathlock on Russo with no effort. Nash is out next. He goes for a chokeslam on Sting. He teases a chokeslam on Russo, but Jarrett and Steiner talk him out of it. Nash is teasing chokeslams to Jarrett and Steiner now.

Booker T is out next. Scissors Kick to Jarrett. One to Steiner next. Big boot to Nash. Russo hits Sting, and Jarrett stomps on Booker. Goldberg is out now. Strike to Jarrett and Steiner. He goes right for Russo, but he's stopped. Double clothesline to Jarrett and Steiner.

Russo with a baseball bat to Goldberg. Booker is in the second tier of the cage. Nash is standing at ringside, staring. Wow, Big Kev isn't going to climb to the ceiling of the fucking arena? Goldberg is now handcuffed to the ropes. Steiner is at the second tier. Booker is climbing to the third tier.

Everyone is making their way up, except Nash and Goldberg. Booker is on the very top of the cage. He grabs the Championship. Jarrett meets him up there, and they fight. Booker whacks him with the title. I forgot to mention, but KroniK and the Nazi Twins are fighting somewhere in the crowd. Booker goes to leave the second tier, and Steiner cuts him off. Sting is now handcuffed. Jarrett with a guitar shot to Booker.

Steiner drops the belt to Russo and he taunts Goldberg with it. Ernest Miller is here. He's an authority figure for WCW who's been butting heads with Russo. His ass kicking is also one of my favorite parts of the 2004 Royal Rumble Match. He kicks Russo's head off. Nash knees him and hits the Jacknife Powerbomb. He grabs the title. Goldberg breaks free of the handcuffs by pulling his arm away and attacks everyone.

Goldberg has the title. He goes to leave, and he's hit in the face with the cage door. Bret Hart is here. What the fuck? Jarrett and Steiner drag Goldberg farther into the cage. Nash hugs Russo, and walks out with the title. What a shit show.

Every second of this was dumb. The idea of WarGames being a Triple Tier Cage like this is dumb. Having "teams" in a free for all is dumb. This being for the WCW Title is dumb. After I finished watching this, I wondered if I would ever recover the time I wasted having to write about this. Star power couldn't save this, and I am definitely talking about KroniK.