Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#54: Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio, WWE Smackdown (11/14/2002).

One of the top Luchadore feuds in all of pro wrestling takes center stage here on Smackdown. This match is one piece of the build towards the Triple Threat Elimination Match at Survivor Series, which would feature all members of the Smackdown Six for the WWE Tag Team Championships.

In this match, Chavo Guerrero and Edge are barred from ringside.

They lock up in the middle of the ring, and Mysterio tosses Eddie across the ring. Eddie goes right into a chin lock. Mysterio is up, and Eddie hits a hard shoulder tackle. Mysterio with a back body drop, and now he hyperextends the arm. Eddie fights back with a hard back breaker to Mysterio. He makes the cover, and Mysterio kicks out.

Eddie gets a modified arm bar in next. He continues the work on the arm, as the crowd chants “Eddie sucks.” He stomps at Mysterio in the corner, and hits a forearm to drop him. Mysterio tries to fight back, but Eddie continues to stomp him down. He grabs the hand, and Mysterio strikes him. He runs up the ropes and springboards down with a head scissors. Eddie gets back in the lead with an arm drag and a hammerlock. Mysterio battles out of it, and leap frogs Eddie across the ring.

Mysterio calls for the 619, and Eddie pulls the referee in front of him. Mysterio punches at Eddie, and here comes Chavo Guerrero. He hits the Gory Special, and here comes Edge to beat the hell out of Chavo. Big slugfest at ringside, as Eddie hits a powerbomb. He makes the pin, and the ref only counts 2. Edge spears Eddie, and he and Chavo continue their fight. Edge sends Chavo into the barricade. The ref calls for help to have them escorted from ringside.

Back from commercial, and Mysterio hits a springboard moonsault to Eddie for a 2 count. Spinning back breaker to Eddie, and it may have hurt his knee. Bronco Buster to Eddie next. Mysterio goes to the top rope, and Eddie shoves him to the outside. Eddie dives to the outside and lands right on Mysterio. Back in the ring, Eddie hits a back suplex, and goes to the top rope. Mysterio is up, and he meets Eddie up there. A “Super Duper Plex”, as Tazz calls it commentary, connects from Mysterio.

Mysterio makes the cover, and Eddie kicks out. Eddie tries for a powerbomb, and Mysterio counters with an arm drag. Big clothesline from Eddie lays Mysterio the fuck out. Eddie goes back to the arm bar. Eddie with strikes and elbows to the head, and he places Mysterio on the top rope. Mysterio elbows Eddie off, and the way Eddie falls off the top, it looks like a video game animation. Mysterio hits a beautiful moonsault from the top to Eddie, and it gets a 2 count.

Mysterio hits a moonsault off the second rope, and Eddie catches him. Mysterio hits an arm drag to send Eddie to the outside. Mysterio hits a baseball slide, then hits a senton to Eddie, but his leg lands awkwardly on the floor! Mysterio with a splash off the top rope, and Eddie gets his knees up to block it. His pin gets a 2 count. Big suplex from Eddie connects, and he goes to the top rope. Eddie rolls through the frog splash, and Mysterio sends Eddie face first into the turnbuckle, then follows with a kick to the face.

Mysterio connects with the 619, and misses the West Coast Pop, as Eddie rolls through into the Laso from El Paso. With help from the ropes, Eddie is able to submit Mysterio for the win. Awesome match between two long time rivals. This is what you’d expect from Smackdown every single week for almost 6 months: just bomb ass wrestling matches on free TV. It helps that the combo of Eddie and Mysterio almost never misses.