Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#6: Kiyoshi Tamura vs. Tsuyoshi Kohsaka, Fighting Network Rings Fighting Integration IV (6/27/1998).

In recent months, I've taken a new interest in the Shoot fighting promotions that ruled the land in Japan during the 1990s. At some point in the future, I plan to do a deep dive of some of these promotions - specifically UWFi - but for now, I'll stick to this little gem of a match that I stumbled across completely at random.

I had zero knowledge of RINGS, or the competitors involved before I found a review of this match. I'm very thankful that that has changed. The promotion works under a similar points system to UWFi, and features the same realistic nature of its relative rivals. So, what you have here is less of a pro wrestling match, and more of a grappling showcase wrapped in a pro wrestling bow.

It's hard to describe a match like this unless you are a grappling expert, which I am not. That said, the grappling exchanges between Tamura and Kohsaka are amazing. Smooth, fluid, and quick - these guys would be dominant in modern MMA in my opinion. This felt like a realistic and legitimate athletic contest for all of its 30 minutes. The silence of the crowd is not a sign of boredom, either - they are super into all of this action, and it's cool to see.

Moments that stood out to me throughout include when Tamura transitions from wrist control on the ground to a kneebar, to when Kohsaka bends Tamura's leg against his arm, and then applies pressure to the toes. The toes! Kohsaka landed a sick looking Judo throw, while Tamura's transitions on the ground are at a lightning pace.

Both men are sweating bullets 10 minutes into this, and by the end, the sense of urgency is at an all time high. Every move they threw at each other mattered, and it truly felt like the match could've ended at any point. When the 30 minute time limit expired, I was bummed. I wanted more of this! A very impressive grappling showcase. There's no fluff here, and there's no shred of entertainment at play. This is a fight, all done under a pro wrestling banner.