Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#60: Kazuchika Okada, Kenoh & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kaito Kiyomiya & Kento Miyahara, NJPW/NOAH/AJPW All Together Again (6/9/2023).

Talk about an all star collection of the best of Japanese wrestling.

Okada and Tanahashi represent New Japan, Kenoh and Kaito represent Pro Wrestling NOAH, and Yuma and Kento represent All Japan. There's not much of story for this one. Kento and Yuma are long time rivals here to represent All Japan. Kenoh is NOAH's resident bitter asshole, and he wants a piece of Tanahashi.

But hey, none of that matters, because the real story coming into this is the issues between Okada and Kiyomiya. During a tag team match at the NJPW/NOAH crossover night of Wrestle Kingdom 17, Kiyomiya stiff kicked Okada right in the face, which caused Okada to unleash such a barrage of violence that the match was thrown out entirely. A singles match between the two - the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion and GHC Heavyweight Champion - was announced for Keiji Mutoh's retirement show in the Tokyo Dome. On the road there, Okada attacked Kiyomiya during a NOAH event, he no showed the press conference for the event, and he openly talked about how he didn't want to wrestle Kiyomiya because he was beneath him.

At the event, Okada demolished Kiyomiya in less than 15 minutes in one of the most hilariously bizarre matches I've ever seen. This will be their first confrontation since that night. For a show built around coming together in the face of adversity, these two certainly don't give a fuck about any of that.

Kaito is right in Okada's face immediately. Okada couldn't give any less of a fuck. Okada won't even look in Kaito's eyes. Kenoh shoves Kaito and gets in Tana's face. Tana and Kenoh start. The crowd is molten for this. They lock up, and Tana forces Kenoh in the ropes for a clean break. Kenoh responds by kicking the shit out of poor Tana's fucked legs. Tana with a tight side headlock. Kenoh pulls his hair, and Tana pulls his!! Game recognizes game!

Middle rope crossbody by Tana, and he plays air guitar for the Sumo Hall faithful. Tana ties the arm up and tags Kento in. Kenoh is still trash talking Tana. Okada tags himself in, and Kenoh doesn't look too thrilled. We get lower lip Okada, so he's annoyed already. Crowd is hot for Kento. Now we get Okada vs. Kento. Let's fucking go! They tease locking hands. Stalemate thus far. Okada chants are completely drowned out by chants of Kento. They exchange control of the back. Kento hammerlocks the left arm. He gets Okada into the ropes. A tentative clean break.

They lock up again. This time, Okada forces Kento into the ropes. He strikes with a forearm. Dick Okada is in Sumo Hall! A side headlock and a shoulder tackle from Okada. Kento with a big boot. Nice forearm exchange. Rainmaker attempt from Okada, and a Straitjacket Suplex attempt from Kento. Another stalemate. Okada then decks Kaito off the apron! He's pissed. He demands to be tagged in. Kento relents, and Kaito is in...and Okada tags out quickly!! He walks the ringside area with a smirk, as Kaito yells on.

Here comes Yuma, with the side headlock to Kaito. Big Series of arm drags and a back elbow from Kaito. He Shotgun dropkicks Okada off the apron next!! He jumps down and kicks the shit out of him into the barricade! Irish whip into it next! Tana is in, and now he, Kento and Kaito Triple team Yuma. Kento accidentally boots Tana, and now Yuma makes his comeback. Okada is up and he absolutely destroys Kaito by throwing him over the barricade and into ringside chairs. The tension between those two is incredible.

Yuma with a snap mare and a leg drop to Tana, then he breaks out the air guitar! Okada tags in, and he brings Kenoh in to double team Tana. Even as partners, they don't seem to get along. Yuma plays peacemaker. Okada sends Tana into the turnbuckle and slaps Kenoh on the shoulder for a tag. Kenoh is not thrilled. Kenoh stomps on Tana's midsection and drives his boot into his face. Stiff kick to the back. Tana tries to will himself up, but he collapses. Kenoh with hard kicks to the chest, and Tana is fighting through it! Dragon Screw Legwhip drops Kenoh!

Kaito tags in and is a house of fire against Kenoh. Middle rope forearm connects, and Okada comes in to beat on Kaito, but the young star fires back with a dropkick! Kaito scales the top rope and connects with a missile dropkick to Kenoh for 2. Kenoh avoids the Shining Wizard and tries for an ankle lock. Kaito escapes, and Kenoh hits a high German Suplex. Yuma is in and he immediately dropkicks Kento off the apron.

Running forearm in the corner connects to Kaito. Top rope crossbody by Yuma gets a 2 count. Running clothesline by Kaito. Kento is in and he boots Yuma. Dropkick to the leg, and one to the head. He poses for the crowd. Yuma with forearms to the head, followed by a diving clothesline. Okada tags in, and he lightly kicks at Kento's face. He trash talks him. And the crowd boos.

Kento jumps up and eats a boot from Okada. Neckbreaker across the knee, and Okada knocks Tana off the apron. Powerslam to Kento. Diving elbow drop from the top connects. Rainmaker pose! Kento avoids the Rainmaker with a huge knee to the face! The crowd are fully behind him! Another knee connects for 2. Kento tries for the Straitjacket German Suplex. Okada fights back with a forearm and the Money Clip. Kento escapes and hits a huge lariat to Okada!

Tana is in and he hits a forearm to Okada, and knocks Kenoh and Yuma off the apron. Tana, Kaito and Kento hit a triple dropkick to Okada. Tana connects with the Sling Blade, and Okada kicks out. He goes to the top, and Okada gets the knees up to block the High Fly Flow. Forearm exchange between Okada and Tana. It's as natural as the midnight sky. Okada goes for the Rainmaker, but Tana ducks. Kaito takes Okada out with a knee to the face. Yuma takes Kaito out with a forearm. Kento boots Yuma down.

Kenoh and Kento exchange boots to the face, then stand toe to toe. Forearm exchange between the two!! Let's go! Spin kick drops Kento, and a Pele drops Tana. He, Yuma and Okada triple team Tana. Heavy Rain by Okada, PK by Kenoh, and a diving elbow from Yuma. Kento breaks up the pin. Tana with a bitch slap to Okada, who responds with a dropkick. Emerald Flowsion by Okada, followed by the Rainmaker for the win.

That was a ton of fun. Matches like this live and die on the interactions, and everybody here got a chance to shine. They showcased the Okada/Kaito drama just enough that it didn't overshadow everything else. The other four shined just as well because of that balance. Tana was his usual great self, Kenoh was a great prick, Yuma was a standout, and Kento came off as a huge star here.

I was sold on the Okada/Kaito interactions, but you can sign me the fuck up for more Kenoh vs. Kento Miyahara. Their forearm exchange had me jumping up and down!