Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#61: Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Yota Tsuji, NJPW G1 Climax 33 (7/15/2023).

Hello all!

If you're like me, you're getting really excited for this Saturday, when the 2024 G1 Climax Tournament in New Japan Pro Wrestling kicks off. If you're not like me, well...hey, the G1 starts this weekend, so get excited!

This week, my theme will be centered around G1 matches of the past. This year's tournament is a youth-heavy field, so there's no better way to kick things off than with this match from last year's tournament, featuring two of the brighest young stars in the Japanese scene. On side, the recently returned Yota Tsuji, who's first appearance post excursion saw him single handedly take out the Just 5 Guys unit, and throw himself in the pot for an IWGP World Heavyweight Championship match. Though he failed in his bid against SANADA at Dominion in June, it was one of the most exciting matches I've ever seen simply because the entire match was unpredictable.

Standing across from him on the opening night of action is Kaito Kiyomiya, representing Pro Wrestling NOAH. A man many believe should've been crowned the undisputed Ace of the company years ago, Kaito present day stands as the GHC Heavyweight Champion, but a year ago, he was a bit lost. On the road to the G1, he not only lost the GHC Title to Jake Lee, but he also got his fucking ass raw dogged courtesy of Kazuchika Okada. Despite being an outsider to this New Japan tournament, Kaito was looking to reestablish himself as a serious contender.

Tsuji starts right away with a tope to Kaito on the outside. Tsuji brings Kaito into the Ring for the action to start properly. He places his boot over Kaito's head to assert dominance early. Tsuji with a backbreaker into a face plant, followed by a curb stomp. Tsuji lightly kicks Kaito's face, and the NOAH ace responds with a forearm. Tsuji with a hard chop to the chest. Kaito avoids a Suplex and chop blocks Tsuji's leg.

Gene Blast responds with a spinning back breaker. Kaito is up, and chops Tsuji's chest, and he just shrugs it off. He asks for more, and Kaito gives him what he asked for! Tsuji tries a running boot, and Kaito catches him in a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Kaito targets the knee with his elbow. He drags Tsuji to the Ring post and sends his knee into the steel. Tsuji gets tossed into the Ring, and Kaito returns as well with more stomps.

Back elbow to Tsuji, followed by a middle rope elbow for 2. Kaito twists the ankle and drives his knee into the quad. He hits a low dropkick to the leg next. Kaito with more kicks to the face, which Tsuji simply laughs off. He explodes out of the corner with forearms, and Kaito hits a dropkick to the face. He ties the leg around the middle rope, and drives his knee into it. Tsuji with a boot out of the corner, followed by a double stomp.

Big Stinger Splash by Tsuji in the corner, followed by a leg scissor to the head. Running powerslam on Kaito gets a a 2 count. Kaito hits a low dropkick to the knee, and hits another Dragon Screw. He goes right into the Figure Four next. Tsuji is able to reverse the pressure, and Kaito releases the hold. Big missile dropkick by Kaito levels Tsuji. Bridging German Suplex follows, which only gets Kaito a nearfall.

Kaito tries for a Tiger Suplex, and Tsuji is able to flip out of it. He lands awkwardly on his leg. Big uppercuts from Kaito, but Tsuji is right there with a big forearm and a headbutt. Both men are down. That beautiful smile of Tsuji captures the next shot. Another dropkick by Kaito, but Tsuji responds with a running knee and a superkick. Falcon Arrow connects, and Kaito kicks out. Running stomp connects from Tsuji, and he tries for a Gory Special, but Kaito counters into a hurricanrana into a rollup for a close 2.

Running knee by Kaito, and he hits the Tiger Suplex for another close 2 count. After what looked like some form of a Tiger Driver, Kaito comes out of the corner with the Shining Wizard. He makes the cover, and that's enough for the win. That was a fun little match, yeah? Nothing groundbreaking or anything, but a nice back and forth between two young guys looking to make their mark. When I watched this, I was a bit surprised that Kaito picked up the win, but it's not the first time a NOAH outsider has beaten a top New Japan star in this tournament. Remember when Naomichi Marufuji made Kazuchika Okada his bitch in 2016?