Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#62: Jon Moxley vs. Tomohiro Ishii, NJPW G1 Climax 29 (7/19/2019).

This one holds a special place in my heart. It was Jon Moxley's incredible run in the 2019 G1 that got me into New Japan Pro Wrestling in the first place.

A few months before this, Mox's WWE contract expired, and he opted to leave the world's biggest wrestling promotion. He was desensitized from bad creative, and was set to leave for greener pastures. He picked a great time to do so - while WWE is in a fantastic place present day, 2019 saw them begin a run of abysmal wrestling that wouldn't let up until at least the summer of 2022.

Now a free man, Moxley was the talk of the wrestling world. Not only had he signed with a new promotion called All Elite Wrestling - debuting at their inaugural show Double or Nothing in May - but he also looked to live out a long time dream: wrestling in Japan. He was revealed as Juice Robinson's next opponent for the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship, and on the night of the Best of the Super Juniors Finals, Moxley pounced Robinson to take the title. A victory over Shota Umino later, and Moxley announced his intention to compete in the G1.

At this point, Moxley has victories over Taichi and Jeff Cobb, but nothing can prepare him for what's next: Stone Pitbull, Tomohiro Ishii. A man famous for his no nonsense brawling style, Ishii is a nightmare for literally anyone. His 2013 G1 match with Katsuyori Shibata put both men in the minds of international wrestling fans everywhere, due to it being one of the most insane wrestling matches you'll ever see.

Despite never sharing a ring before, Moxley and Ishii would no doubt tear each other apart in their first ever singles meeting.

Big forearms to start things out! Ishii misses a kick to the head, and so does Mox. More forearms to the head of each man. Shoulder tackle by Mox, and Ishii is right back up in Mox's face. Power slam by Mox. He sends Ishii to the floor, and now they're fighting into the crowd. Mox sends Ishii's head into the wall several times. Against the guard rail, Mox chops the shit out of Ishii. They go up the steps next, and Mox continues to unleash forearms to the head of the Stone Pitbull.

He hits a clothesline in the aisle way between the seats. Mox grabs Ishii by the neck and drags him back to the Ring. Big stomp to the back of the head follows. More kicks to the head, and Ishii eggs him on for more. Ishii is back to his feet, but Mox brings him back down with stiff forearms to the face. STF submission from Mox follows, and he transitions to a Stranglehold. Mox drags Ishii into the corner and unleashes several hard chops, and Ishii is right in his face again.

Mox comes back with more chops and forearms. Ishii hits two big shoulder tackles that drop Mox to the mat. Ishii with chops and forearms of his own in the corner. Mox sends Ishii to the opposing corner and hits a clothesline. Ishii responds with a vertical suplex. Ishii pats Mox on the head with his boot, and Mox is up with more forearms to the head. Ishii doesn't like any of this, and drills Mox with one single forearm. On the outside, they each take turns sending the other into the steel barricade.

They each grab chairs from underneath the Ring, and batter the other with them. The chairs break, and Mox drops Ishii with his chair. Mox brings a table out next, and sets it up at ringside. He gets Ishii on the apron, and tries for a Urinage through the table. Ishii blocks it, and Mox tries for a piledriver next. Ishii sends Mox back into the Ring, and Mox pulls his neck against the ropes. Ishii looks to Suplex Mox out of the Ring through the table. He counters and both men are back in the Ring.

Shotgun dropkick by Mox sends Ishii back to the outside. Tope by Mox sends Ishii into the barricade. Mox smashes the chair against the back of Ishii. Ishii responds by driving his forearm into the chair, and hitting Mox in the face. He grabs the chair and swings it with no remorse against Mox's back. Ishii places Mox on the table, and he goes to the top rope. He comes down with a huge splash that crushes Mox and the table.

Back in the Ring, Ishii brings Mox down with a Superplex, and Mox kicks out of that. Ishii goes for a sliding lariat, and Mox counters into a roll up for 2. Ishii with a German Suplex, and Mox with one of his own. Ishii is up, and Mox hits a thunderous lariat. Mox goes for the Regal Knee, and Ishii blocks it. He hits the Sliding Lariat, and Mox kicks out. Mox blocks the brainbuster and chews into Ishii's skull. The Regal Knee connects.

Both men connect with headbutts on their knees. Back to their feet, the headbutts continue. Mox taunts him, and Ishii headbutts his chin. Mox tries a lariat, and Ishii doesn't budge. He hits several forearms, and Mox drops him with one. Mox with a Urinage, and Ishii kicks out. Regal Knee connects again, and Ishii kicks out again! Mox tries for Death Rider, and Ishii back drops his way out of it. Short arm lariat connects.

Another lariat off of the ropes, and Mox kicks out. Ishii tries for the Brainbuster, and Mox counters into a Death Rider, which Ishii counters out of. Headbutt to Mox, and he's down. Lariat to the back of the head, and one more up front. Mox shakes it off, and both men land palm strikes. Mox hits the Death Rider, and Ishii kicks out! Mox pulls his knee pads down, and hits the Regal Knee again. One more Death Rider, and Mox gets the win.

What a fucking war that was. I won't say I feel the same way about it now as I did in 2019, but damn, that's an easy type of match to watch. Moxley's G1 run in 2019 was amazing from start to finish, and this is easily the highlight. Just a wild, unhinged fight between two guys who welcome that as much as a mother's embrace. In these types of matches, Ishii simply doesn't miss. And Moxley, here in a fresh environment enjoying a new beginning, was willing to do anything to move on from WWE - including going fisticuffs with New Japan's toughest wrestler.