Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#7: Minoru Suzuki vs. Josh Barnett, GCW Josh Barnett's Bloodsport (4/4/2019).

Bloodsport is one of my favorite events in the entire wrestling calendar. It's right up there with New Japan's Wrestle Kingdom, AEW's Forbidden Door, etc. Taking place in a ring without ring ropes or turnbuckle pads, it's the ultimate shoot fight experience in the United States. And since it takes place under the independent banner of Game Changer Wrestling, the sky's the limit.

Originally started as an event for Matt Riddle, his departure to WWE led to the event being named after Josh Barnett, the youngest UFC Heavyweight Champion turned pro wrestler. It has since become a yearly tradition during WrestleMania weekend, and perhaps no match better suits that kind of vibe than the dream match between Barnett and Japanese legend Minoru Suzuki.

The man dubbed as "The King of Pro Wrestling" is a legend in both wrestling and MMA. He's a former Triple Crown Champion and GHC Heavyweight Champion, and he's considered one of the forefathers of what would become modern Mixed Martial Arts. Putting these two in an arena like this most certainly equals fireworks.

And fireworks is what we got, if you can remember that when Suzuki comes to America, it's more about playing the greatest hits. That's not to say it's bad. The staredown at the beginning gave fans in attendance the feeling that some ass was about to be kicked. And both men put in the work during the 25 minutes they were given.

Barnett showcased his strength advantage, while Suzuki showed his high level grappling. At one point, Suzuki takes Barnett's back, and smiles deviously to the roar of the fans. After some great back and forth on the mat, Suzuki strikes first with an elbow, and now the gloves are off. Barnett hits Suzuki with a huge knee to the face, followed closely by an STF submission.

Despite both guys taking it easy with how hard they go, this feels like a true underground pit fight. That may have to do with the men involved. And it also has to do with the venue itself, which looks like something out of a seedy Martial Arts movie. In true "Murder Grandpa" fashion, Suzuki changes it up and hits Barnett with a chair. He then tosses the referee aside, which has commentary wondering if the match will be thrown out.

Both men are on their knees, throwing strikes at each other. On the 30 second countdown, both men unload on the other, right up to the bell. However, both men demand five more minutes, and we get that! The fisticuffs continue, and it goes to another draw, finally ending after 25 minutes of solid action. It's not the greatest match in the world, and as far as the shoot style goes, there is certainly better matches to see. But, if you want to see two masters having an easy night of the basics, this is for you.