Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#71: Bobby Eaton vs. Steve Austin, WCW Worldwide (6/29/1991).

Hello readers! I had a stretch this week where I was off work for five straight days, so I did what anyone would do - I did three weeks worth of work in about two days! I figured I'd get some blogging done, so I worked on the themes that I had planned for early August, and I got them all done while I was off work.

The first theme this week centers around the WCW tenure of Steve Austin, a man who, in no shortage of words, was wasted during his time in WCW. Austin was a hell of a wrestler before he broke his neck in 1997, and the fact that that talent was squandered during his time at Ted Turner's promotion is pretty crazy. Of course, I don't think anyone could've predicted that "Stunning Steve" would go on to become "Stone Cold Steve Austin," quite possibly the biggest star in pro wrestling history. But hey, that's the power of hindsight.

Starting things out is this match, for the WCW World Television Championship, held by Beautiful Bobby Eaton.

They lock up, and Austin forces Eaton into the turnbuckle. Another lock up, and Austin pops off a nice power slam. Eaton lands awkwardly, possibly injuring his shoulder. They lock up again, and Austin drives his knee to the midsection against the ropes. Eaton with a crisp series of right hands to Austin, who’s asking for a time out. Another lock up, and Austin forces Eaton into the turnbuckle. Eaton hits another good right hand, followed by a back body drop. Side headlock takedown follows.

Big shoulder tackle by Eaton, followed by a hip toss, right into another side headlock takedown. Austin works his way back to his feet, and Eaton brings him down again with a side headlock takedown. Austin is up again, and he forces Eaton to the turnbuckle. He drives his knee into the midsection and smashes Eaton’s head off the top turnbuckle. Eaton fights back with good right hands, and pops off another takedown. Eaton must’ve went to the Ricky Steamboat wrestling school.

Back to their feet, Austin kicks Eaton’s midsection super rough, and Eaton goes to the outside. On the apron, Austin smashes Eaton’s face into the turnbuckle, then lifts him up and sends him flying chest first onto the steel barricade at ringside. Austin with a clothesline to follow up. Back in the ring, Austin uses the middle rope to choke Eaton. He looks for a jumping leg drop, but Eaton moves and Austin flips off the ropes.

Eaton with a high back body drop next, and a hip toss. Clothesline, and a swinging neckbreaker by Eaton. He goes to the top rope, and hits the Alabama Jam legdrop. Lady Blossom is in, and Eaton shoves the ref away to get her out of the ring. She rakes the eyes of Eaton, and Austin rolls him up to win and take the championship.

This is a brief little match, but like any good professional wrestler, both men maximize their time and give us a nice little back and forth contest. It's pretty hard hitting at times, as you can see a little bit of the brawling style that Austin would later perfect in the WWE. On a personal note, this match did something great for me: It's made me want to check out more of Bobby Eaton. The little that I saw here impressed me greatly. Perhaps a Blog theme in the future?