Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#74: Steve Austin vs. Sting, WCW Saturday Night (1/1/1994).

Talk about a dream match!

The future biggest star in wrestling facing off against WCW's greatest wrestler ever. The Rattlesnake vs. The Stinger! These two faced off a lot in WCW, especially on house shows. If you're like me, and you aren't super familiar with a lot of WCW pre-nWo, then a match like this is enough to get your adrenaline going!

The fans boo Austin, but they go wild for Sting. They lock up, and Austin gets Sting in the corner. We get a clean break, they lock up again. Austin again forces Sting into the corner, and does the Stinger scream! Sting returns it, and does it the right way. Another lock up, and Austin gets a side headlock in. Sting gets a top wrist lock in, and forces Austin to the turnbuckle. They lock up, and Austin sends Sting to the ropes. He rebounds and hits a hard shoulder tackle to Stunning Steve.

Austin with another side headlock, and each man reverses into a hammerlock. Austin takes the leg, and Sting kicks him right out of the ring. Another lock up in the ring, and Sting with the side headlock now. Sting with the takedown now, and he maintains control of the headlock. Austin gets back to his feet and looks for a back suplex, but Sting is quick to get the side headlock takedown again. Austin transitions to a head scissors to counter.

Austin does the side headlock takedown, and Sting is the one to counter with a head scissors! Good stalemate so far. Both are up, and Sting gets a back slide pin attempt for 2. Austin rolls to the outside and confides in Col. Parker, his manager and the future Tennessee Lee. Austin returns to the ring, and we get another lock up. Austin forces Sting to the corner, and he drives his shoulder into the midsection. He punches Sting in the gut, and stomps his ribs off the ropes.

Austin grabs Sting and tries for a suplex, but Sting counters with one of his own for a nearfall. Side headlock takedown by Sting, and Austin tries to reverse it into a pin. Sting fights it off, and maintains control. Austin returns to his feet, and places Sting on the top rope. He throws some shots to the Stinger, and now he goes to the top. Austin hits a suplex that drops Sting to the mat hard. He makes the cover, and Sting kicks out.

Austin twists the arm around his leg, Terry Funk style. He drives his knee into the arm. He tries to punch Sting, but the Stinger counters with punches of his own. Sting kicks Austin in the midsection out of the corner. Austin ties his arm up in the ropes, and Sting pounds away on his back. Big right hands drop Austin, and here comes Sting. Big back body drop from the Stinger, and another right hand. Sting does his Sting scream, and goes for a small package, but here comes Brian Pillman to punch Steve Austin and chase off Col. Parker. Austin wins the match by Disqualification! Sting puts the Scorpion Deathlock in for good measure.

A nice little match, here. Nothing groundbreaking or anything, but when you look at the history of professional wrestling, seeing that Steve Austin and Sting wrestled each other is really all it takes to create excitement. Again, Austin's technique is the show stealer here, and the more of his early work I see, the more I wonder how WCW let him slip through their fingers.

Oh, and Sting was awesome as always.