Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#84: Kenta Kobashi vs. Akira Taue, Pro Wrestling NOAH Navigation Over The Date Line (9/10/2004).

This is for Kobashi’s GHC Heavyweight Championship.

The horror inside of Kobashi's closet, Akira Taue, gets his chance to become GHC Heavyweight Champion. More often than not, during the heyday of the Four Pillars in the 1990s, Akira Taue was right there to beat the shit out of Kobashi, or brutalize his legs. But here, Kobashi wasn't a young boy anymore - he was the man! Could Taue turn back the clock and dominate his long time rival again?

The bell sounds, and the long time rivals circle one another. Taue with a chop first, and Kobashi responds with one of his own. Taue with a side headlock, and Kobashi forces him into the ropes. A shoulder tackle moves neither, and both men exchange hard chops. Taue with a kick to the head, and a dropkick that sends Kobashi to the outside. The champion gets on the apron, and Taue kicks him back to the floor.

Taue pops off a Tope to Kobashi, sending him back first into the barricade. He is not fucking around tonight! Taue drops Kobashi chest first across the barricade, then does the same onto the entrance ramp. Back in the ring, Taue unleashes a barrage of chops and strikes in the corner. He irish whips Kobashi to the opposing corner, then drops him throat first on the top rope. He applies a chin lock next. Taue then hits a DDT and gets a 2 count off of it.

Taue with another chop to the chest, and the head, of Kobashi against the ropes. The champion rebounds with a shoulder tackle. With Taue on the outside, Kobashi hits a nice crossbody to the floor onto the challenger. Kobashi with a nasty chop to Taue’s chest, then he sends him back first into the steel barricade. Back in the ring, Kobashi gets a nearfall off of that. More chops against the ropes, followed by a headbutt.

Kobashi sends his knees into Taue’s midsection, and follows with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. On the mat, he traps Taue in a stretch, adding pressure to his neck and arm. Kobashi transitions to a sleeper hold. Kobashi stomps on Taue’s head, and chops him back to the mat. Taue is back up, and the two exchange chops back and forth, with Taue getting some to the top of the head. Kobashi catches Taue in the abdominal stretch next.

Taue escapes by kicking Kobashi in the ear, and then popping off a Dragon Screw Leg Whip to Kobashi’s leg, Tanahashi style! Taue goes right to a Half Boston Crab submission, as he looks to capitalize on this new development. Taue transitions to an STF submission next. Kobashi gets to the ropes to break it, but Taue sends his knee right into the mat. He kicks Kobashi’s thigh, and the champion gets up and is angry.

Taue looks for another Dragon Screw, but Kobashi chops his way out of it. Taue continues to kick the leg, then he drops Kobashi’s knee right on his own, then does what looks like an Indian Death Lock. Kobashi tries to chop his way free, but Taue slaps him back to the mat. Kobashi finally gets free, then locks a guillotine choke on Taue. Both men are on the entrance ramp now. Taue blocks a spinning chop, and he gives Kobashi a Chokeslam right on the ramp! He returns to the ring.

Kobashi returns as well, and eats a boot to the face in the corner. Taue pops off a German Suplex next, followed by another that nearly spikes the champion. Taue brings Kobashi to the apron and looks for a Choke Slam, but Kobashi chops his way free. Taue kicks Kobashi in the back of the head, then lifts Kobashi up for a Back Suplex Chokeslam right to the damn floor. That was one of the sickest spots I’ve ever seen. The thud made me cringe.

Taue brings Kobashi back to the ring, and makes the cover. I don’t know how, but Kobashi is able to kick out. Taue lifts Kobashi up for a sit out powerbomb, and that only gets a 2 count as well. Taue blocks a spinning chop and looks for a Choke Slam, but Kobashi fights back and hits a Lariat. Taue headbutts Kobashi repeatedly, but the champion fights back with a Choke Slam of his own! Kobashi power bombs Taue, then follows with a chop right to the chest. Kobashi goes to the top rope, and misses the moonsault. Taue rolls to the corner, and regroups. He hits a Choke Slam, then hits a Back Suplex Choke Slam. He makes the cover, and Kobashi kicks out.

Taue places Kobashi on the top rope, and the champion attempts to fight back with neck chops. Taue won’t be stopped, and he goes to the middle rope. Kobashi escapes and looks for a powerbomb, but Taue counters with a hurricanrana! A dropkick follows, and he hits the Brainbuster! He makes the cover, but Kobashi kicks out at the last second! Taue flies off the top rope with a splash, and Kobashi kicks out again.

Kobashi counters an Irish Whip with a clothesline. Then, he hits a Lariat to the back of Taue’s head against the turnbuckle. Taue counters a suplex into a small package pin, which Kobashi kicks out of. Half Nelson Suplex by the champion, and Taue kicks out of that. Spinning back chop to the head, and again. Another to the side of the neck, and another, and another! Taue is down. Kobashi picks him up and hits the Lariat! He makes the cover, but Taue is able to kick out.

Kobashi lifts Taue back up and hits the Pump Handle variation of the Burning Hammer, and that’s enough for the win to retain the championship.

A fun little match between two legends of All Japan. That back suplex chokeslam to the floor is absolutely nasty. It's literally one of the most cringe inducing spots I've ever seen in wrestling. I like how Taue focused on Kobashi's bad legs here. That's smart wrestling. Despite how much offense Taue had here, it wasn't enough to take the title away from Kobashi, who once again shined here against all odds. He fought valiantly against Taue, and put him to rest with the Burning Hammer variant. Taue isn't a Pillar that I pay a ton of attention to, but a match like this is definitely worth going out of your way for.