Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#86: Husky Harris vs. Kaval, WWE NXT (7/27/2010).

Of all of the blog themes I've done since I started this up in April, this is the one I've been looking forward to the most. It's also the most emotional theme I've worked on. In 3 days, it will be the one year anniversary of the tragic passing of Bray Wyatt, one of the most unique individuals to ever enter the world of professional wrestling.

The character work, the promos, the presentation, and the unmistakable aura surrounding this incredible human being made him a hit with wrestling fans everywhere. Though he was released in 2021, he found his way back to the promotion in 2022, and was gearing up for the next phase of his career into 2023. Sadly, we'll never know what was in store for Wyatt, as he passed away on August 24th, 2023 due to a COVID related heart attack. He was 36 years old.

This week, I'll be taking a look at his career from all different angles. These aren't necessarily the best matches of Bray's career, but it's a great look at a man who left an undeniable legacy in pro wrestling.

Naturally, we'll begin with one of the least impressive runs of his career. Before Uncle Howdy, before The Fiend, and before Bray Wyatt, there was just Husky Harris. A competitor during the second season of NXT - before the brand was the best thing in WWE - Husky was presented as an "Army Tank with a Ferrari Engine." Hey, it's WWE in 2010. You can't expect much.

Here, Husky takes on Kaval, formerly known as Senshi or Low-Ki in TNA, but also known in other circles simply as "Warrior." Hindsight sees this as one of the more bizarre matches to take place in WWE, due to what Husky would go on to do, and the fact that Kaval's WWE run ended before it ever really got going.

The man who would come to be The Eater of Worlds looks totally unrecognizable here. Kaval's pros are LayCool, while Husky's Pro is current WWE Champion Cody Rhodes.

Kaval with a kick early to the thigh. Another connects, and Husky tosses Kaval into the turnbuckle and tosses him across the Ring. Kaval lands on his feet and dropkicks Husky to the mat. He gets a nearfall off of it.

Kaval with a midsection kick. He kicks Husky in the chest, and Husky catches him with a huge clothesline. Husky with a back waist lock. Kaval escapes and connects with a series of uppercuts.

Kaval with a chop in the ropes. Husky reverses an Irish whip and looks to squash Kaval, but only hits turnbuckle. Another kick to the gut, and another to the back by Kaval. Irish whip by Kaval, and Husky explodes out of the corner with a clothesline for 2.

LayCool get knocked off the apron by accident, and Husky uses this to send Kaval into the ringpost. He brings Kaval into the Ring with an Inverted Suplex. Husky connects with the Army Tanker for the 3 and the win.

There's not a ton to see here. It's an understatement to say that the original vision for NXT in WWE was utter dogshit. Aside from the Nexus invasion earlier in the summer, this show was terrible. I don't know, though. I mean, who wouldn't want to see obstacle courses?

Husky did show some nice explosiveness here, and Kaval was Kaval. If anything, you can see potential in Husky here. All he'd need was a little polishing, and a different character. Husky Harris will only get a guy so far. Hell, you might just end up in the Firefly Funhouse some day.