Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#88: Bray Wyatt vs. Bo Dallas, WWE NXT (2/21/2013).

This is the only singles match between the Bray Wyatt character and his real life brother, Bo Dallas.

It was around this time that I first discovered who Bray Wyatt was, due to a Bleacher Report list talking about the hottest prospects waiting in the wings at NXT. Bray was #1, and it wasn't even close. You can imagine my shock when I realized that this was Husky Harris. Still, I did some research and watched some of his promos from around this time, and I was blown away. Bray was probably the first time in my fandom where I was following someone before they came to main roster WWE.

It is quite odd to see Bray Wyatt without all the lights or the eerieness that would come with him on the main roster.

Bray cost Bo a #1 Contenders Match a week before this, and Bo is looking for revenge.

They lock up, and Bray forces Bo into the turnbuckle. Bo quickly reverses and gets right in Bray's face. Another lock up and Bo takes the back. Bray elbows his way free and takes the side headlock.

Bo escapes and gets his own side headlock on. Bray escapes that and just mows Bo down with a heavy crossbody for a 2 count. Bray with an elbow to the chest for another 2. He twists and torques on the chin next.

Bo is able to get back to his feet, and walks into a big shoulder tackle. Bray drops all his weight on Bo's chest, then locks in a neck crank. Bray Irish whips Bo hard into the turnbuckle.

Baseball slide by Bray connects with Bo's back. Bray stomps on Bo on the apron, then brings him back inside with a powerslam for 2. Bray gets a front facelock of sorts applied next.

Bo is able to avoid a body drop from Bray. Bo strikes Bray multiple times, and he drops him with a clothesline. Bray fights back with a high Urinage. He makes the cover, but Bo kicks out.

Bray sends Bo into the turnbuckle, and crushes him with a body splash. Bray then grabs Bo and dances him out of the corner around the mat. Bo connects with a forearm and a belly to belly suplex and gets the surprise win!

Nice little match here, and a cool gem for anyone wanting to see the Rotunda brothers go at it in WWE. Bray was early in this run of his career, but you can tell already that he knows who the fuck his character is, and he owns it. This is way before Bo Dallas began to BoLieve, and annoy the hell out of everyone in NXT. This was also before the Social Outcasts, the B-Team...oh, and Uncle Howdy & The Wyatt Sicks.