Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#89: Bray Wyatt & Daniel Bryan vs. The Usos, WWE Raw (1/13/2014).

This is a Tag Team Steel Cage Match.

There was a tag team match that started the show that ended in a disqualification, so this is the continuation of that. This is also two weeks after Daniel Bryan joined the Wyatt Family, following months of beatdowns at the hands of Bray, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. Despite now being a heel, Bryan is still far and away the hottest pro wrestler in the world at this point. Bray being his rival and partner here gives him a big rub.

The door is padlocked shut. Both teams exchange strikes quickly. The Usos double team Bray, who launches Jey into the cage wall. Bryan works on Jimmy, while Bray works on Jey.

Bray catapults Jey into the cage, while Bryan punches away at Jimmy. Bryan launches him into the wall, and Jimmy quickly climbs to the top. Bryan and Jimmy headbutt each other, and Jimmy gets the upper hand.

He tries to climb down, but Bray grabs him by the hair and pulls him back inside. Bryan looks to escape next, but he's cut off by Jey, who hits a Side Russian Legsweep off the ropes back into the Ring.

Back from commercial break, Bray and Bryan are in full control. Jimmy and Bryan exchange hard strikes, while Bray and Jey fight for a chance to escape the cage. Jey with a corkscrew off the turnbuckle to Bray for a 2 count.

Bryan has Jimmy hanging upside down, and he hits a sliding baseball slide to his head. Bryan looks to escape, and Jey cuts him off. Both Usos grab Bryan and hit a double back suplex off the turnbuckle. Bray breaks up the pin attempt.

Bray throws an Uso into the cage, and grabs the other for Sister Abigail, but he eats a superkick instead. The Usos make the climb up the cage, and are cut off by Bray and Bryan.

Bryan gets knocked off the cage, right into Bray, who gets crotched on the ropes. The Usos take advantage of this, and climb out of the cage for the win. They attack Harper and Rowan on their way out.

This is a pretty okay match. It's nothing groundbreaking or genre bending, but when you have four dependable workers like Bray, Daniel and the Usos, you won't be disappointed.

Of course, this match isn't remembered for the match itself, but more for what followed it. It's less about Bray Wyatt and more about Daniel Bryan, but Bray had an integral part in this stage of Daniel's road to WrestleMania 30.

Following the match, Bray speaks to Bryan, who then drops to his knees. Bray is going to punish him for losing the match. As he sets up for Sister Abigail, Bryan pushes him away and stands in the opposite corner. It's at this point that the crowd loses their fucking minds. To this day, I consider it one of the greatest pops in wrestling history. It may not be the loudest, and it may not be the longest, but it is one of the most passionate responses I've ever seen. It's also pretty damn loud.

The crowd chants Bryan's name in unison, and you can really tell that every single person is attentive now. Bray taunts Bryan into attacking him, and then makes a move himself, to which Bryan beats the hell out of him in the corner. Punches, and running dropkicks follow, and then Bryan kicks the shit out of Bray's chest. The crowd is still losing their minds.

Bryan sheds his Wyatt Family overalls, and continues his onslaught. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan try to climb the cage, but Bryan throws Wyatt into the cage walls, knocking them to the mat. Bryan goes to the corner to do a slow "Yes" Chant, and the crowd chants along in perfect unison. You could hear a fucking pin drop in between the chants. Bryan hits the Busaiku Knee to glorious approval.

This is a pretty decent match, followed by a monumental moment that further elevated the white hot Bryan, and helped put Wyatt even farther into the spotlight of fans everywhere.