Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#93: The Wyatt Family vs. The New Day, WWE Battleground (7/24/2016).

The return of the Brand Split in WWE was one day away from going into effect, so here we have a bit of a dream match between two of the prominent factions in WWE. The New Day, along with Braun Strowman, were heading to Raw, while Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan were heading to Smackdown Live.

Throughout the build to this match - which saw New Day impersonate the Wyatts, and both teams having a brawl at the Wyatt Compound - Xavier Woods has been a little scared of Bray himself.

This is in the middle of New Day's record setting Tag Team title reign.

Braun Strowman and Big E look to start things out, but Xavier wants to face off with Braun instead. Braun tags Bray in, and Kofi tags himself in.

Kofi dropkicks Bray, and sends him into the turnbuckle. Braun tags in, and throws Kofi into the turnbuckle. He squashes Kofi, and tags Rowan in. He powerslams Kofi, and connects with a forearm to the kidney for 2.

Chin lock applied, followed by hammer throws to the head. Rowan uses his knuckles to crush Kofi's head. Kofi escapes and walks into a clothesline. Bray tags in and connects with a nasty uppercut.

Bray chokes Kofi on the ropes with his knee, and then follows with a powerslam and a running senton for 2. Bray with a chin lock of his own. Kofi connects with a jawbreaker to escape, but walks right into a huge lariat from Bray.

Bray locks eyes with Xavier, who drops off the apron in fear. Braun tags in and drives his knee into Kofi's throat. He connects with a headbutt, and tags Rowan in. Rowan with several stomps to the chest in the corner.

Bray tags in and throws Kofi into the corner. He looks to squash him, but Kofi avoids it and sends Bray to the outside. Braun brings Bray back in, and Kofi makes the Tag to Big E.

Rowan tags in, and Big E connects with some clotheslines and a belly to belly suplex. Standing splash connects. Rowan gets a roll up for 2. Big E with another Belly to belly suplex.

Braun takes Xavier out with ease. Bray uppercuts Big E, and Rowan plants him with a Slam. Kofi breaks up the pin, and avoids a big boot in the corner. Kofi runs the ropes and hits a diving senton to the outside onto Braun.

Kofi tags in, and Rowan sends Big E shoulder first into the Ring post. Kofi sends Rowan into the turnbuckle, as Bray tags in. He avoids Trouble in Paradise and goes for Sister Abigail. Xavier breaks it up and comes face to face with Bray.

Bray stops an aerial attack from Kofi with an uppercut, and a high Urinage. Xavier finally goes after Bray with strikes, and a Shotgun dropkick. Diving forearm in the corner. He kicks Bray in the face from the apron.

Xavier connects with a splash from the top rope. He superkicks Rowan out of the Ring, and forearms Braun on the apron. Big E comes in and spears Braun off the apron, sending both men to the outside.

Bray does his spider walk to Xavier, which throws him off his game long enough for Bray to hit Sister Abigail for the win.

Fun little match between two great factions. The story of Xavier fearing Bray was well done throughout this match, and when he finally found the courage to face him head on, the crowd reacted well. Everybody meshed well here, and Bray himself got a nice win over a tag team that was quickly establishing records in the tag team division. Not a barn burner, but sometimes, a good little gem is what a wrestling fan needs.