Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#94: John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt vs. AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz vs. Baron Corbin, WWE Elimination Chamber (2/12/2017).

This is an Elimination Chamber Match for Cena's WWE Championship.

Two weeks before this, Cena defeated AJ Styles to win his 16th world championship in one of the most incredible matches of all time. Here, he'd have a great task in defeating five of Smackdown Live's very best. Styles is looking to get his championship back. Ambrose, the reigning Intercontinental Champion, is looking to become a double champion heading into WrestleMania 33. The Miz is going to try and slither his way into the title picture. Baron Corbin is looking to make a major statement in his first year on the main roster.

Bray Wyatt? Well, he's looking to finally become WWE Champion for the first time, and set himself on course for a battle at WrestleMania against 2017 Royal Rumble winner, and fellow Wyatt Family member, Randy Orton.

Cena and Styles start things out. They lock up, and the crowd is molten already. Cena with a shoulder tackle, and Styles backs away quickly. Styles gets a side headlock applied, followed by a hard kick to the thigh.

They exchange strikes, and Styles lifts Cena up for the Argentina Backbreaker, and transitions to a Slam for a 2 count. Styles kicks the midsection and tries for the Styles Clash, but Cena uses his power to reverse it. Cena with a Code Red for a 2 count.

More strikes exchanged from these two. Cena goes for the STF and Styles kicks him away. He hits the Ushi Garoshi for a close 2 count. Cena avoids a forearm in the corner and hits two shoulder tackles, followed by a side slam.

He signals for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but holds off to see who enters next. It's Ambrose. He enters and quickly takes Cena down with a diving clothesline. He tosses Cena to the outside and sends him face first into the chain wall.

Styles goes out and he gets sent into the wall, and then Ambrose clotheslines him into the Ring. Ambrose counters a Suplex to the outside and drops Styles with an X Plex onto the chamber floor. Ambrose goes atop the Pod and hits a diving elbow to Cena's head.

Back in the Ring, Styles and Ambrose exchange control of the back. Cena lifts up Styles, who has Ambrose and hits a German Suplex on both men. Styles with a kick to Cena's head, and Ambrose comes off the ropes with the Wacky Line clothesline. What a dumb name.

Here comes Bray Wyatt next. He clotheslines Ambrose, and body tackles Cena. Release suplex to Ambrose, and then Styles sends him to the floor. Styles looks for a springboard attack, but Wyatt catches him and launches him into the chain wall.

Wyatt gets caught in the turnbuckle pad, and Styles catches him with a top rope leg drop. Cena and Styles fight, and both men climb up the wall. They strike each other half way up. Styles punches Cena, sending him to the floor back first.

Styles maneuvers to the pod, and Ambrose meets him there. He smashes Styles' face into the plexiglass multiple times. Ambrose goes to dive onto Wyatt, who counters with a thrust punch to the throat.

Wyatt places Ambrose on the top rope, and he goes up with him. Multiple headbutts by Wyatt. Styles is there now, but Wyatt grabs him by the throat. Ambrose hits a powerbomb to Wyatt off the top, which sends both him and Styles crashing to the mat.

The clock ticks down, and here comes Corbin. He and Ambrose go right at it. Corbin connects with a clothesline. He tosses Ambrose to the floor, and then into the chain wall. He rakes Ambrose's face, then throws him back into the Ring.

Corbin connects with the Deep Six to Ambrose. Wyatt attacks Corbin now. He looks for the Urinage, but Corbin throws him into the pod beam, and follows with a boot to the face.

Styles punches away at Corbin, but walks into the End of Days. Cena comes back in and puts him in the STF. Corbin escapes and hits the End of Days on Cena. Ambrose comes off the top rope with a Shotgun dropkick, then clotheslines him to the floor.

He sends Corbin into the chain wall multiple times. Corbin responds with some of his own. He lawn darts Ambrose into the pod. Back in the Ring, Ambrose connects with a back elbow, but gets sent face first into the chain wall from the turnbuckle. Corbin is in total control.

The clock counts down, and The Miz finally enters. He is tentative, and Corbin is distracted and gets rolled up by Ambrose, and he's eliminated. He's pissed, and he attacks Ambrose with a lariat. Out on the floor now, Corbin sends Ambrose crashing through the plexiglass of the pod.

He forearms Ambrose's head against the chain multiple times. He brings Ambrose into the Ring and hits the End of Days. The referees finally get Corbin out of the Ring. Miz scurries into the Ring, and he pins and eliminates Ambrose from the match.

Miz starts doing Daniel Bryan's Yes chants, and follows with kicks to the chest of Cena and Wyatt. I forgot Miz used to do that. He dropkicks them both, and goes after Styles next. More kicks to his chest now against the turnbuckle.

Running dropkicks to Wyatt and Cena. He sends Wyatt to the outside and hits one to Styles. Corner clothesline by Miz to Cena, then the Skull Crushing Finale to Wyatt on the floor. He hits a diving crossbody to Cena, who catches him and hits the Attitude Adjustment. Cena pins him, and Miz is eliminated.

Wyatt and Styles immediately double team the champion. Wyatt holds Cena up, and Styles strikes his head. Styles celebrates, and Wyatt palm strikes him down. Wyatt misses a running senton on Cena. The champion hits two shoulder tackles and a side slam to Styles, followed by one to Wyatt.

Cena with a Ten Knuckle Shuffle to Wyatt and Cena. He hits the AA to Wyatt. Styles avoids one, and hits the Styles Clash to Cena. Styles makes the cover, but Cena kicks out. Cena avoids the Phenomenal Forearm and hits the AA to Styles, who kicks out at 2.

Cena goes to the floor and begins to climb the chain wall. He ascends to the top of the pod. He hits a diving crossbody to both Wyatt and Styles. Cena is up and he lifts Wyatt up for the AA, but Wyatt escapes and hits the Sister Abigail out of nowhere! He makes the cover, and Cena is eliminated!

We are now guaranteed to have a new WWE Champion. It's down to Wyatt and Styles. Wyatt eats a forearm, but headbutts Styles to the mat. He clubs him with a series of forearms. He sends Styles to the turnbuckle, and goes to squash him, but Styles hits a sliding dropkick to the leg.

He follows with a sliding forearm to Wyatt, and he gets a nearfall off of it. Wyatt looks for Sister Abigail, but Styles counters into a roll up for 2. Styles with the Phenomenal Blitz, and Wyatt with a huge lariat for a close 2 count.

Wyatt tries for the Urinage, but Styles slips out and barely hits the Pele Kick. Busaiku Knee lands for the Phenomenal One. Styles with a springboard 450 splash to Wyatt, who barely kicks out.

Styles rolls to the floor and removes his elbow pad. He goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Wyatt blocks it and hits Sister Abigail for the win! Wyatt is the new WWE Champion! That was surely a long time coming!

Many people mostly remember this one for the moment of seeing Bray Wyatt achieve the mountain top, but let's not forget the match itself. It's awesome! The crowd was hot throughout, and everybody brought their working boots. Cena in particular bumped his ass off when he didn't even need to. Styles was phenomenal - pun intended. Ambrose and Corbin did great work building to their eventual IC Title match at WrestleMania. And Miz was The Miz: he was awesome.

Bray Wyatt, however, was the star of the show. He was put over huge in this match. He not only eliminated Cena, the WWE Champion from the match, but he did it with relative ease. One Sister Abigail is all it took. And then to go from that, to eliminating the red hot AJ Styles, it made Wyatt look like a mega star.

He'd go on of course to defend the championship against Orton at WrestleMania, and by that point, they had become enemies. Oh, and that match is fucking dogshit.