Dan The Wrestling Fan.

#96: Bray Wyatt vs. Seth Rollins, WWE Great Balls of Fire (7/9/2017).

God, who remembers this terribly named PPV? It was actually a pretty decent show. Remember when Roman Reigns literally tried to kill Braun Strowman, and then was still presented as a babyface? He's the Big Dog, after all.

Anyway, Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins opened this show with a singles match. I have no recollection of why they were feuding, but I knew that it wasn't their dreadful Hell in a Cell 2019 match, so I was already interested.

They lock up, and Rollins takes control of the arm immediately. He transitions to a side headlock. Snap mare by Rollins, and a kick to the back. Bray scurries to the ropes to catch a breather.

Bray forces Rollins to the turnbuckle. Bray avoids a running knee and goes to the outside. Rollins with a baseball slide kick. He goes for a dive to the outside, and Bray catches him with a punch to the head.

Back in the Ring, Bray connects with an uppercut. Rollins sends Bray face first into the turnbuckle, and he rolls to the apron. Rollins meets him there, and Bray sends him face first into the steel steps.

Bray shoulder tackles Rollins into the ringside barricade. Back in the Ring, Bray applies a Cobra Clutch style maneuver. Bray places Rollins on the top rope. Rollins headbutts him a few times, and Bray with one of his own. He drops Rollins to the mat with a Suplex.

Bray lands a blow to the kidney, and now both men are on the apron. Bray with a DDT straight to the apron. He makes the cover, and Rollins kicks out. A chin lock follows.

Rollins sends Bray to the outside. He avoids a counter from Bray, and hits a dropkick to Bray that sends him outside again. Rollins with a suicide dive that drops Bray. He brings him back into the Ring. Springboard forearm by Rollins, which gets a 2 count.

Sling Blade by Rollins, and a Blockbuster connect, and Bray kicks out at 2. Rollins with elbows to the jaw, and he tries for a kick, but Bray counters into Sister Abigail. Rollins slips out of that with an enziguri, and Bray hits a huge clothesline instead.

Rollins with a Falcon Arrow for a close 2. Rollins goes to the top, and Bray stops him with a jawbreaker for 2. Bray with a huge Urinage that also gets 2. Bray teases Sister Abigail again. He slaps Rollins in the face.

Rollins responds with more strikes. The ref tries to pull him away, and Bray gets a thumb to the eye. He hits Sister Abigail, and gets the 3 and the win.

I thought this was okay. It wasn't the best thing in the world, but it wasn't the worst (don't worry, that's coming in two years. Seriously, one of the worst matches ever). The work is competent, and I wouldn't call it inherently bad. I think this just lacked heat, maybe? I guess the build up wasn't anything to write home about. That must be why I don't remember it.

Still, you got Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins wrestling on PPV. You can find worse ways to spend 15 minutes of your time. Like, Hell in a Cell 2019.