Dan The Wrestling Fan.

WWE Survivor Series 2002 Review (11/17/2002).

My birthday was in April. To celebrate, I wanted to take a trip to Winchester, Virginia to see a really nice record store. Not only was I not disappointed with what I found, but I also found this event on DVD! As soon as it caught my eye, I knew I was leaving there with it. I mean, how often do you see older WWE PPVs like this on DVD in the wild like that?

To celebrate this wonderful thrift find - does this count as a thrift find? - I'm going to watch the whole event and do a review of it! I remember this show vividly from my childhood. This was during an era of WWE where change was the theme. This is the first Survivor Series under the WWE banner, and the first to take place after the Brand Split. It's the debut of the Elimination Chamber match, and it's Shawn Michaels' second match back after his retirement in 1998. Also, Smackdown Six era is in full swing!

It takes place in Madison Square Garden, and is the first PPV to not feature Steve Austin, The Rock or The Undertaker since In Your House 7 in 1996 - though I suppose you could argue that Beware of Dog could be the answer, due to the power outages.

I want to point out that during the opening video package, there is talk of evolution, in regards to the debuting Chamber match, and in that package, there is footage of Austin shown. Interesting, considering that he has walked out of the company by this point, and WWE has dragged him through the mud on air multiple times since.

The show starts, and immediately pans to the Chamber above the ring. I remember watching Sunday Night Heat before this, and the cameras weren't allowed to show the Chamber to the TV audience. They said "if you want to see what it looks like, order the PPV!" Genius.

  1. Six Man Tag Team Elimination Tables Match: Jeff Hardy, Bubba Dudley & Spike Dudley vs. Rico & 3 Minute Warning. Jamal of 3 Minute Warning is the future Umaga, and Rosey is a relative of Roman Reigns. Rico, despite being presented as a flamboyant character, is a legitimate badass. Brawling to start things off. Hardy and the Dudleys send the opposing team to the outside to start off.

Bubba tosses Spike onto Jamal and Rosey, who catch him. Hardy dives to the outside to take everyone out. Bubba shoulder tackles Rico. Chops in the corner by Bubba. Spike pops a hurricanrana off of Rosey. Double "Wassup" to Rico. Spike grabs the first table, and Bubba sets it up against the corner. Rosey beats up Spike and lays him against the table. He goes for a splash, but Spike avoids it and Rosey crashes through. It doesn't count, since he wasn't sent through the table.

Splash by Rosey to Hardy. Jamal brings a table in next. They gang up on Spike, and send him face first through the table, and Spike is gone. Bubba and Hardy are knocked down, and Jamal and Rosey each go to the top for splashes. They are knocked off the turnbuckles, and the faces fight back. Rosey and Hardy are now fighting into the crowd next. Rosey sets a table up in the aisle way. Rico and Jamal double team Bubba in the ring. Jamal accidentally squashes Rico in the corner, and Bubba gets the Bubba Bomb off on Jamal.

He goes into the crowd and attacks Rosey with a crowd metal stand thing? Hardy climbs up to the rafters, as Bubba puts Rosey on the table. Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb, sending Rosey through the table. He's gone. Jamal is in the crowd, and he tosses Bubba back to ringside. Rico tries for a moonsault to Bubba through a table, but he slips on the top rope. Jamal moves the table, as Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb.

Whisper in the Wind by Hardy to Jamal. On the outside, Hardy tosses a table into Jamal's head. Hardy runs off the apron for an attack, and Jamal tosses the table into him, breaking it. Jamal sets up another table, and places Hardy on it. He goes to the top rope, and dives to the outside with a splash, crushing Hardy, and eliminating him. It's Jamal and Rico versus Bubba.

Bubba elbows Rico and places him on a table. Jamal stops him from hurting Rico, and goes to the top with him. Bubba catches him in a powerbomb off the top rope, and through the table. He's gone. Now it's one on one. Rico goes on the offensive, and he brings a table in. Rosey is back out here, and now there's a double team on Bubba. Jamal is still here too, and it's 3 on 1.

D-Von Dudley is here! He's from Smackdown, but he's beating up all of 3 Minute Warning, and he's in old school Dudley Boyz gear! They set the table in the middle, and they hit the 3D to Rico through the table! Bubba gets the win, and it looks like the Dudleys are reunited after being split up in the Draft. Pretty fun opening match that the crowd was into. That's how you open a PPV.

Saliva performs the theme song "Always" at the World - formerly known as WWE New York - while a video plays of the upcoming matches of the show. This song is a banger, but I still think "Ladies and Gentlemen" is the best thing that band ever did. Josey Scott is still riding the high of collaborating on the "Hero" song with Chad Kroeger that was the theme for the 2002 Spider-Man.

  1. WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Jamie Noble vs. Billy Kidman. Noble has been champion for five months. He's also a fellow West Virginia boy! Nice "Billy ain't no trailer trash" sign. Kidman has beaten Noble twice in two weeks leading to this.

Quick nearfalls to start things out. Noble rolls to the outside to catch his breath, and Kidman brings him back in for another nearfall. Nice swinging neckbreaker from Noble. He forces Kidman's throat into the bottom rope. Noble stretches Kidman's arms behind his back next. Kidman escapes, and Noble sends him to the outside.

Tope to the outside drops Kidman. Noble looks for a crossbody from the top, and Kidman catches him with a dropkick to the midsection. Spinning corkscrew elbow, Misawa style, from Kidman. Noble looks for a Pump Handle, and Kidman counters into a neckbreaker across his knee for a nearfall. Noble with a Falcon Arrow for a 2 count.

Facebuster by Kidman and he positions him for the Shooting Star Press. Nidia, Noble's girlfriend, pulls Noble outside of the ring. Kidman responds with a crossbody to the outside onto the champion. In the ring, Kidman counters a Tiger Bomb, and sends Noble into Nidia on the apron. Noble looks for the Tiger Bomb again, and Kidman counters into a Back Slide for a nearfall. Noble finally hits the Tiger Bomb, and Kidman kicks out.

Kidman boots Noble in the face, and goes to the top rope. Noble goes up with him, and Kidman hits a DDT of sorts from the top and gets a nearfall. Noble places Kidman on the top rope and hits a Spike DDT that also gets a nearfall. Kidman hits an Enziguri, and rolls him towards the corner. Kidman goes to the top, and kicks Nidia away.

He knocks Noble back down, and hits the most beautiful Shooting Star Press, and he takes the win and the title! That was a fun sprint. Despite not getting much time, these two maximized their time to a T. Awesome match.

  1. WWE Women's Championship, Hardcore Match: Trish Stratus vs. Victoria. These two have had quite the feud for a bit, where Victoria blames Trish for preventing her from getting hired at WWE. This is the first Hardcore Women's match in WWE history. The lead up to this saw Victoria hit Trish in the head with a chair, which was unheard of at the time.

Victoria rips Trish's entrance robe off and chokes her with it, then tosses her across the ring a few times. There are trash cans full of weapons zip tied to the ring posts. Victoria grabs a broom, but Trish blocks an attack with a monkey flip. Victoria takes advantage again and chokes Trish with the broom handle. She drags Trish to the corner and lifts her up off the mat, all while choking her.

Trish fights back and grabs a trash can lid. Victoria hits her with the broom, and the lid. Victoria irish whips Trish into one of the cans on the outside. Senton Leg Drop from the apron to Trish back in the ring gets a nearfall. Victoria grabs a trash can from under the ring, and positions it in between the turnbuckle pads. Trish trips her, and drags her to the can. She lifts her up into the can, face first.

Trish grabs an ironing board. A woman grabbing an ironing board? Come on. She places it against the corner. She tosses Victoria into it, snapping it. Trish grabs a kendo stick, and smashes Victoria in the ribs and back. Victoria kicks her out of the corner, and goes for a trash can lid. She smashes Trish in the head with it. Victoria's nose is bleeding.

Trish hits Victoria with the lid and sends her to the outside. Then, she tosses her into the steel steps. Victoria grabs a mirror from under the ring. Trish kicks Victoria in the chin, and then hits the Chick Kick to the face for a 2 count. Trish grabs for a cooking sheet, and Victoria hits her in the spine with a kendo stick.

Trish gets a bulldog off for a 2 count. Victoria hits a Drop Toe Hold to avoid a kendo stick shot. Victoria unleashes a fire extinguisher right into Trish's face, then hits a Snap Suplex in the ring to take the win and the championship. The ending was flat, as it was really sudden, but the action that preceded it was fun. Women certainly weren't presented like this often, so it was a nice change of pace. Matches like this crawled so the women of today could run.

The camera pans to the Elimination Chamber again, and it is really something to see this big structure inside of Madison Square Garden.

  1. WWE Championship: Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show. Brock has a broken rib coming into this, and that might actually be more than just a storyline thing. Brock is coming off his legendary Hell in a Cell Match with Undertaker the month prior, and is starting to show signs of a face turn. Big Show was traded to Smackdown, and immediately took Undertaker out of the equation by tossing him off the stage. The build centers around the size difference, and Paul Heyman's worry that Brock may not be able to handle Big Show the way he's handled everybody else. There's also talk of how much Hell in a Cell has effected Brock in the aftermath.

Show enters to not much of a reaction, but Brock is welcomed like a hero with a massive reaction. Brock gets right in Show's face. They have an even lock up. Chop in the corner by Show. Lesnar explodes out with a spear, and some right hands. On the outside, Lesnar drives his knee into the midsection. Show lifts Brock up and sends him spine first into the ring post.

In the ring, Show goes for a Chokeslam, and Lesnar hits a Side Suplex instead! Brock drives his shoulder into Show's ribs in the corner. German Suplex out of the corner by Lesnar! Brock goes for the F5, and Show counters. Brock hits the ref by accident, and then hits a Belly to Belly to Show. The crowd explodes for that! Heyman tosses a chair into the ring.

Brock grabs the chair, and Show punches the chair. Brock hits him in the head anyway. He then hits the F5 on Show! The crowd loves it! A new ref shows up, and Heyman pulls the ref outside! Brock is shocked, and pissed. He chases Heyman in and out of the ring. Show hits Brock in the ribs with the chair, and then the back. He follows with a Chokeslam on the chair. The ref is tossed back in, and Show gets the 3 for the win and the title.

Heyman celebrates with Show in the ring, and they leave in a hurry. Not a whole lot here for a 4 minute match, but like the Cruiserweight Title match, they maximized their time with big spots that had the crowd happy.

  1. WWE Tag Team Championships, Triple Threat Elimination Match: Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit vs. Los Guerreros. The Smackdown Six collide! Angle and Benoit became the first champs at No Mercy, beating Edge and Mysterio in an all time classic. Those two teams already have beef, and the Guerreros have been meddling around in everyone's business. Edge and Mysterio won the titles in a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match on Smackdown leading to this. These six men have been the centerpiece of Smackdown for months, thanks to the booking from head writer Paul Heyman. It's lead to some of the best and most consistent TV matches WWE has ever done.

"Guerrero Mows Lawns" sign in the crowd. How creative - NOT! Followed by a "Eddie Guerrero Stole My Bike" sign. JFC. Mysterio and Benoit start things out. Benoit with a hard series of chops, and Mysterio pops off a hurricanrana. Running legdrop follows. Edge tags in, and they get a double hip toss on Benoit. Angle tags in, and gets his ass kicked by Edge, so Angle tags Chavo into the match!

Drop Toe Hold by Edge, and a shoulder tackle. Dropkick to the chin. Powerslam, and Mysterio is in. Splash from the top rope gets a nearfall. Eddie tags in, and he unloads with elbows to the head. Spinning hurricanrana to Eddie, followed by a monkey flip. Eddie tags Angle in. Hurricanrana to Angle, and Mysterio avoids Angle in the corner, as Angle goes shoulder first into the ring post.

Clothesline by Angle, and Benoit is in. High back suplex by Benoit gets a nearfall. Angle is back in, and he gets another back suplex off for a 2 count. He knocks Edge off the apron. Angle tries for the Angle Slam, but Mysterio counters with an arm drag. Angle explodes with a clothesline. Benoit tags in, and drives his knee into Mysterio's ribs.

Angle tags in again, and gets a front face lock in on Mysterio. Nice frequent tags from him and Benoit thus far. Mysterio tries to fight out of it, and Angle tries for a suplex. Mysterio slips out and gets caught in a German Suplex, which he lands on his feet! He kicks Angle right in the face. Benoit and Edge tag in, and they go at it. Edge knocks the Guerrero's off the apron. Belly to Belly to Angle, and Edge sends Chavo over the ropes.

Mysterio hits a hurricanrana to Eddie that sends over the top rope. Benoit and Angle catch Edge in an Ankle Lock/Crossface combo. Mysterio takes Angle out and hits a dropkick to Benoit. Mysterio with a corkscrew crossbody to Chavo and Angle on the outside. Benoit hits a German Suplex to Edge, and Eddie hits a Sunset Flip Powerbomb off the top to Benoit, who manages another German to Edge as well!

Eddie tries a back suplex, and Benoit just tosses him outside. Benoit with another series of Germans to Edge. He signals for the Diving Headbutt, and Eddie comes in with the Frog Splash on Edge, and Benoit breaks it up with the Headbutt on Eddie. Angle comes in with an Angle Slam to Eddie, and he puts the Ankle Lock on Eddie, while Benoit gets the Crossfsace on Edge. Chavo uses the title belt on the back of Benoit, and then tosses it to Angle.

Benoit sees Angle with the belt, and thinks Angle hit him. Mysterio dropkicks them into each other, then hits a baseball slide hurricanrana to Chavo on the outside. Edge spears Benoit, and gets the 3, eliminating that team. Angle comes in and hits a German to Edge, and Benoit takes Mysterio down as well. They have heated words, as they attack the Guerreros and Mysterio on their way out.

Eddie goes on the offensive, attacking Edge, and then tagging Chavo in. The Guerreros double team him, with Eddie hitting a senton from the apron. Eddie puts a sleeper hold on Edge next. Eddie uses the tag rope to choke Edge. Chavo attacks Edge in the corner. More frequent tags from the challengers. Front face lock from Eddie to Edge.

Edge finally fights back with a double flapjack to the Guerreros. Mysterio tags in, and hits a hurricanrana to Chavo, and a backbreaker to Eddie. Chavo accidentally squashes Eddie in the corner. Edge launches Mysterio into the corner with a hurricanrana to Eddie off the top for 2. Edge places Eddie on the middle rope, and Mysterio hits the 619.

Mysterio goes for the West Coast Pop, and Chavo hits his back with the title belt. Edge with a baseball slide to Chavo, and they fight on the outside. Eddie gets the Laso from El Paso on Mysterio, and he submits, and the Guerreros take the titles! Absolutely awesome match between six of the best at the time. The action was fast paced, and everyone was able to shine. Typical of this era. These guys simply never missed.

Christopher Nowinski, the first Harvard graduate in WWE history, and a present day spokesperson for concussion care in sports, is here to cut a promo about the dumb New York audience. Matt Hardy joins him, and calls them idiots for not being fluent in "Mattitude." They both enjoy the fact that a Raw and Smackdown wrestler can agree on something.

And then, here comes Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner! The free agent that everyone wants makes his first appearance since WCW folded, and he is looking for a brand to join in WWE. He beats the hell out of Nowinski and Hardy, and then celebrates with the audience. The fans gave him a great reception, and this was ultimately his peak during his WWE return. Because lord knows, it wasn't the Triple H feud that followed. This version of Steiner shouldn't have been a babyface. Period.

  1. World Heavyweight Championship, Elimination Chamber Match: Triple H vs. Booker T vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels. This is the inaugural Chamber Match in WWE, and they must be applauded for hyping this thing up, whether on the build to the event, or on the show itself. This has been hyped to be a major, groundbreaking moment. The story is that Eric Bischoff, the General Manager of Raw, was looking to outdo Smackdown, who had just done the Hell in a Cell Match between Brock Lesnar and Undertaker that took violence and brutality to a new level. So, the Elimination Chamber was born - a combination of the Cell, WarGames, and the Elimination aspect of the PPV. 36 feet in diameter, 2 miles of chain, and over 10 tons of solid steel "designed to punish the human body."

Triple H has been champion since he was handed the belt by Bischoff on September 2nd. Shawn Michaels is back for his second match post retirement, and first since defeating Triple H at SummerSlam - and then receiving a sledgehammer blow to his previously injured back. Rob Van Dam was screwed out of a title match at Unforgiven by Ric Flair, and Kane not only lost his title match, but was royally fucked by the "Katie Vick" storyline. Booker T and Chris Jericho - the latter being one half of the World Tag Team Champions - simply want a shot at the Big Gold Belt.

Fun fact: When this gimmick became its own PPV in the 2010s, it was called "No Escape" in Germany, because the phrase "Elimination Chamber" sounds eerily similar to things used to kill Jewish people during the Holocaust. Yeah, smart move to change the name.

I think I just saw a sign that says "I kissed Bischoff's feet for tickets." Gross. Hey, maybe they'll end up on his shitty podcast? Jericho is out first - accompanied by Saliva playing a new version of his theme from The World - followed by Booker T, Kane and Shawn Michaels, each of whom take their place in their respective pods.

The match will start with Triple H and Rob Van Dam. The bell sounds, and everyone is in awe. They lock up, and Triple H forces RVD into the corner, who fights back with punches to the face. Kick to the face follows. Triple H goes for the Pedigree, and RVD backdrops him to the steel mesh, and Triple H hits it hard. Immediately, you're sold on the dangers of this match.

Triple H gets sent into the chains several times, and he's busted open already. Monkey flip by RVD next on the steel. Rolling Thunder from the ring to the outside onto The Game. Powerslam in the ring, and RVD scales to the top of one of the pods. Jericho holds his foot down, and Triple H climbs up to attack him.

RVD fights back, and hits a diving senton to the outside. He sends Triple H into the chains again, and now they're back in the ring. The clock counts down, and here comes Jericho. He walks right into RVD offense. Spinning heel kick to Jericho. He sends Jericho to the outside. He misses a kick to Jericho, but lands on the chains like a spider. Crossbody to Jericho follows.

Clothesline drops RVD from Triple H. Back suplex from Jericho to RVD. He fights back against the heels, but Triple H catches him with a Harley Race knee to the face. He and Jericho double team RVD. Triple H sends him to the outside. They double clothesline RVD back first into the chains repeatedly. He avoids a Jericho clothesline in the corner, and clotheslines Triple H. Spinning heel kick to Jericho follows.

DDT from Triple H to RVD. The clock counts down, and here comes Booker T. He's a house of fire on both Triple H and Jericho. The ring is cleared and he does the Spinarooni. He and RVD go at it now, and Booker gets a heel kick on him for a nearfall. Booker hits the Scissors Kick to Triple H, and Jericho takes him out before making a cover. RVD knocks Jericho to the outside.

RVD scales back to the top of the pod, and he barely hits the Five Star Frog Splash - with his left knee going directly into Triple H's throat, and crushing his larynx. Triple H wouldn't be able to breathe properly for the rest of the match. Booker hits a missile dropkick from the top turnbuckle, and he eliminates RVD from the match. Crowd isn't happy about that.

Jericho hits a bulldog to Booker next. Booker avoids a Lionsault and hits a Spinebuster. The clock counts down, and here comes Kane. He goes to work on Jericho and Booker. Clothesline to Booker in the corner, and he sends Jericho to the outside. He tosses Jericho face first into the chains, then throws him through one of the pods, shattering the plexiglass.

Kane punches Triple H in the corner. Elbows to Booker next. Jericho low blows Booker, who was setting up for the Scissors Kick. Kane gets the Chokeslam on Booker. Kane goes to attack Triple H, and Jericho hits the Lionsault on Booker, and he's eliminated now. Jericho tries to climb the chains to escape Kane, who just batters him some more. He press slams Jericho back into the ring.

Kane tries for an elbow, and Jericho avoids it. Triple H goes to the top rope, and Kane tosses him off. I can't even imagine what Triple H is going through. Jericho with a missile dropkick to Kane. The clock counts down, and here comes Shawn Michaels! Punches to Jericho and Kane. Back body drop to Jericho, and Kane explodes with a clothesline to Michaels.

Diving forearm to Kane by Michaels. Kane is back up and irish whips Michaels nearly over the turnbuckle. He chokeslams Michaels, and then chokeslams Triple H. Jericho dives off the top, and he gets chokeslammed as well. He signals for the Tombstone, and goes to deliver it to Triple H, who escapes and sends him into Sweet Chin Music from Michaels.

Triple H is up and he hits the Pedigree on Kane, followed by a Lionsault from Jericho, and Kane is eliminated. Jericho clotheslines Michaels to the steel grates outside. He goes face first into the chains. He and Triple H double team Michaels, and bust him open. Triple H rakes his face against the chains, then smashes his head off the glass.

Michaels is a bloody mess. He tries to fight back against the two on the outside. He clotheslines Triple H back into the ring. He tries a piledriver on Jericho, who counters with a back body drop. This match is the ultimate test to whether Michaels has healed from his back injury. Diving forearm to Triple H from Michaels back in the ring, and he nips up. Bulldog from Jericho.

Lionsault connects, and Michaels kicks out. Moonsault off the top rope to Jericho, and it gets a nearfall. Michaels gets the Walls of Jericho on Jericho, and Triple H breaks it up. He and Jericho start arguing, and they finally start fighting each other. Clothesline takes Jericho out. Facebuster on the knee gets Triple H a nearfall.

Jericho counters a Pedigree into the Walls, and Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music to Jericho, and he's eliminated! It's down to Michaels and Triple H. They exchange fisticuffs in the middle of the ring. Spinebuster from Triple H gets a 2 count. He back body drops Michaels back to the steel grate. Michaels sends him into the chains, and tries for a Pedigree of his own. Triple H counters, and sends Michaels crashing through a pod, destroying the plexiglass.

More right hands in the ring from both men. Facebuster by Triple H and another clothesline that sends Michaels outside. He tries for a Pedigree on the steel, and Michaels catapults Triple H into the chains. Michaels clotheslines Triple H back into the ring. He climbs to the top of the pod and hits a flying elbow drop right into Triple H.

He stands in the corner and signals for Sweet Chin Music. He hits it, and Triple H catches the kick and hits the Pedigree. He makes the cover, and Michaels is able to kick out. He tries for it again, but Michaels back body drops him. He hits Sweet Chin Music this time, and makes the cover! That's enough for the 3! Michaels wins the World Championship! 5 title matches on this night, and they all changed hands!

Jim Ross is losing his mind on commentary, as confetti explodes throughout Madison Square Garden. Michaels celebrated with the championship, as we go off the air.

A lot has been said about this match since it happened. It's been praised up and down, and is consistently been called the best Chamber match in WWE history. I thought the match was good, but something about it doesn't quite click with me. I think the layout of the match, and who got eliminated when, was a weak point. I personally didn't care for any of the Triple H/Jericho team ups throughout this, and I think Booker and Kane were made to look like chumps in this.

That said, I think the spectacle of seeing this match for the first time makes it essential viewing. They hyped this match up out the wazoo, and it lived up to that billing as a spectacle. The bumps felt more real, likely because they were. It's hard to fake those bumps on the steel. Michaels looked awesome here, in his 2nd match back. And Triple H is the toughest man on this show, wrestling a 39 minute match when he couldn't breathe properly for most of it.

Overall, this show kicks ass. It's the peak of that first arc of the Brand Split, where both shows were doing pretty well going against each other. I think Smackdown had a better night here, with a blitz of a Cruiserweight Match, an entertaining four minute WWE Title Match, and that incredible Tag Title match. The opening Tables match was fun, the Hardcore Women's match was a trailblazer, and the Chamber match was historic and a sight to see.

Consistency was the theme for this show, and every match delivered in some way. Plus, Scott Steiner got to be fucking cool in his WWE return, before it all went to shit. The 2002 Survivor Series is a great show in a year of change for WWE.